Stewkley neighbourhood plan

‘New Homes – Have Your Say’. Village Hall – 10-4, 15th July

Neighbourhood Plan – sites for potential development.

The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NPSG) have consolidated the feedback received over the past 9 months from sources that include Stewkley parishioners and AVDC, and have completed their analysis on the proposed sites for development.


Following the Annual Parish Meeting on May 15, eleven sites were presented to Stewkley Parish Council and were adopted by the PC for possible inclusion into the Neighbourhood Plan (NP).   One further site remains under consideration.  The selected sites represent some infill within the village, and some modest extension at the edges of the village along the Bletchley and the Wing Road.  Development on these sites is variously planned to be completed within 5, 10 and 15 years.  The Soulbury Road and 66 HSN developments, already given outline planning approval by AVDC, will be included in the NP and are listed with the other eleven sites below, for completeness.


Next steps: An open exhibition will be held on July 15 to showcase the landowners’ thoughts on development plans for their sites, where development is planned within the next 5 years.  It will be an opportunity for all villagers to talk directly to the landowners, or their agents, about their ideas and choice of housing, and give feedback.  The plans that will be presented on July 15 have not been endorsed by the Council or the NPSG. Following the exhibition, and taking into account public comments from the consultation, a site-specific housing policy will be agreed with the landowners or their agents defining the number, type and design of the new homes prior to their inclusion in the NP.  Each site policy must also comply with other policy statements from the NP including conservation and heritage, green /open spaces and roads and infrastructure.


The intention is for the NP to establish a secondary development boundary, or build line limit, for the village, including the sites selected for possible inclusion. The secondary boundary will be available for review and comment.  Comments received during the March 11-April 15 consultation process on sites and policies will be on display, and members of the NP Steering Group and Stewkley Parish Council will be available to answer any questions about the Neighbourhood Plan process.

The exhibition will be held at the Village Hall in Stewkley between 10am and 4pm on July 15.  All Stewkley residents are encouraged to visit the exhibition and give their feedback.

List of thirteen sites (site number and location):  1 (partial) and 2: Bletchley Road North side;

7 (partial): Bowls Farm; 12: 66 HSN; 15: Soulbury Road; 20 (partial), 22, 23 and 47: Wing Road  East side below Number 3, Wing Road Orchard, Wing Road West side opposite site 20, West of site 23, behind coal yard; 33 (partial): Manor Business Park  ( new business sites will be identified within proposed development time frame ~ 15 years); 51: 10 Haywood Park; 52: Potash Barns; 53: Griffin Field.