Public Consultations
This page gives details of the meetings and public communications that have been held with Stewkley parishioners throughout the development of the Neighbourhood Plan.
For more information about any of these consultations, please email your request to
7 Dec 2015 – Public consultation

Initial public consultation on the proposal by the Parish Council to develop a Neighbourhood Plan (NP). More than 250 parishioners filled the village hall and voted overwhelmingly, by a show of hands, to support a NP. This represented approximately 20% of the adult population. As a result of this endorsement for the NP, a questionnaire was delivered to more than 670 households in the parish. Eighty percent (80%) were completed, and returned.
Meeting documents:
Report published in Grapevine
16 May 2016 – Open meeting
Open meeting organised by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NPSG) to present the data and analysis derived from the questionnaire, and to consult with the parishioners on the scope and focus of the nine Working Groups (WG). NPSG members and parish councillors were in attendance from 12 noon until approx. 8pm. Comments on the proposed issues and WG activities were collated and published.
Meeting documents:
Grapevine notification of 16th May 2016 meeting
Grapevine report of 16 May 2016 meeting
16 May 2016 Community Views
NP Questionnaire Output
July 2016 – Small group meetings

On July 9th and 23rd, time was set aside for small group meetings or one-on-one meetings with the chairman of the NPSG to talk about any issues related to the NP.
Meeting documents:
Grapevine diary entry for 9 July 2016
Grapevine article about July 9 2016 consultations
August 2016 – Call for sites
A call for sites was issued via the Grapevine and village notice boards. All landowners interested in putting forward land for development were encouraged to contact the NPSG.
Meeting documents:
Call for sites flier 2016
11 October 2016 – Open Meeting

Open meeting organised by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group to publish the initial long list of sites that are under consideration. The meeting held in the school hall between 7pm and 9pm attracted about 110 villagers. Site photographs and locations were on display, and a talk was given (without slides) about the process to date. This was followed by a Q&A with the meeting participants.
Meeting documents:
Flier advert for 11th Oct 16
Grapevine notification for 11 October 2016
Grapevine report on 11 October 2016 meeting
Notes from Open Meeting 11 October 2016
Sites HSN
Sites HSS
11th March 2017 – Open meeting

An open meeting was organised by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group to publish the initial conclusions of the Working Groups(WG), including the drafted Policy statements for each WG. Outline detail of 28 possible development sites were also presented for initial feedback and comment, as well as a drafted secondary ‘development’ boundary for the parish. The meeting attracted approximately 135 villagers, and on the day, 176 comment forms were filled in, of which 148 commented on the possible sites. Following this meeting, the documents were available on the Parish Council website ( and the comments period remained open until 15 April 2017. At the end of the consultation period, over 700 comment forms had been received.
Meeting documents:
Invitation to 11th March meeting
11th March 2017: The Parish Council is seeking your feedback on the current Neighbourhood Plan sites
13th March 2017 Neighbourhood Plan Sites
March – April 2017 consultation comments on sites
Grapevine reports on 11 March 2017 open meeting
Grapevine report on the March to April 2017 consultation
Grapevine notification of the 11 March 2017 open meeting
15th July 2017 – Open meeting

More than 250 villagers visited this open meeting arranged by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group to look at the shortlist of sites proposed for development, and for some, to look at detailed impressions of the potential new homes proposed on the site. The defined secondary boundary was published for comment. Eighty five comments were submitted for consideration.
Meeting documents:
door to door flyer
Exhibition advertising poster 15 July 2017
Grapevine invitation to the 15 July 2017 open meeting
Grapevine report on outcome from 15 July 2017 meeting
Stewkley Residents’ Feedback to New Development Sites 15 July 2017
Stewkley secondary boundary
November 2017 – 2 week consultation

A two-week consultation was launched by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group inviting adult Stewkley residents to ‘Have their Say’ about the final housing numbers that would be included in the Neighbourhood Plan (NP). Options ranged from the minimum required to satisfy Aylesbury Vale District Council (AVDC) Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) requirements (101) to the number presented on 15 July (150). Two response slips were delivered to every household, via the Grapevine, and an on-line vote was set up on the Stewkley PC website (www.stewkley, The NP Facebook page directed followers to the website and encouraged them to ‘have their say’. In the end, 190 responses were received, which represents approximately 13% of the adult voting population
Meeting documents:
3rd December 2017 Neighbourhood Plan Sites
3rd December 2017 Neighbourhood Plan Sites – public survey results
Grapevine invitation to have your say on housing numbers
Grapevine report of November 2017 consultation
June 17–July 28 2019 pre-submission consultation

Comment form_general June 2019
Pre-submission flyer June 2019
Consultation letter _ statutory consultees
Comments form revised 17 June 2019
9 November – 20 December 2020 Final Plan Consultation (Regulation 16

Consultation notice