Neighbourhood Plan Newsletter – January 2018
A meeting is planned for early in the New Year with Aylesbury Vale District Council’s planning department. Representatives of the neighbourhood plan steering group will be meeting with the planners for informal discussions related to the 13 proposed sites for new housing to be included in the plan. Detailed information on the 13 sites has already been submitted to the planners in advance of the discussions. A second meeting is planned for the New Year in relation to 66 High Street North, one of the sites included in the plan. The site’s developers have now submitted detailed plans to the district council, and representatives of both the plan steering group and the parish council will be meeting with the developers for further discussion on this site.
In other neighbourhood plan related news, the proposed scoping survey for the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the sites has been forwarded to all relevant bodies for comment (they have 28 days to do so). The aim of the scoping survey will be to identify the breadth of the environmental assessment. Meanwhile, it is anticipated that the owners of Soulbury Road (site 15) will be placing the site up for sale in the New Year. The neighbourhood plan steering group and parish council are hoping to work with the successful bidder and developer to get the best outcome for all parties.
The neighbourhood plan team would like to take this opportunity to wish all Stewkley residents a happy and healthy 2018. They would also like to thank everyone who has participated in any way towards progress on the plan over the past year.