MINUTES Parish Council meeting Monday 9th May 2023
Minutes of the Stewkley Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 9th May 2023 at 7.30pm at the Stewkley Village Hall
Cllr Keith Higgins (Chair), Cllr Andrew Arthur, Cllr Brian Bottomley, Cllr Margaret Burgess,
Cllr Phil Delafield, Cllr Henry Hunt, Cllr Andrew Pryke, Joanna Simonds, Clerk & RFO and 3 members of the public (during Open Forum)
- To elect a Chair of the Council
Cllr Bottomley proposed Cllr Higgins as Chair. This was seconded by Cllr Pryke.
There being no further nominations, Cllr Higgins was re-elected as Chair and signed his
Declaration of Acceptance of Office. - Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Gill Morgan and Unitary Cllr Phil Gomm
Cllr Virgilio Simeone was absent. - To elect a Vic-Chair
Cllr Higgins proposed Cllr Morgan as Vice-Chair. This was seconded by Cllr Bottomley.
There being no further nominations, Cllr Morgan was re-elected as Vice-Chair. - To appoint representatives to the following outside bodies:
NBPPC – Cllr Morgan and Cllr Pryke
Recreation Ground Committee – Cllr Higgins and Cllr Morgan
Village Hall Committee – Cllr Burgess - To appoint working groups for:
Traffic – Cllr Delafield, Cllr Bottomley and Cllr Pryke
Streetlighting – Cllr Arthur, Cllr Delafield and Cllr Bottomley
Devolved Services/SEA – Cllr Bottomley
Internal Financial Controls – Cllr Delafield - Open Forum
Whilst paying very high regard to the facilities offered by the Recreation Ground, a MOP asked
whether a skatepark might be considered as a new facility to meet the needs of a currently unmet
group of children from the age of around 7 and above. Reference was made to the relatively
new skatepark at Pitstone and how with so many new homes going up in the village, resulting in
an increased number of children, something similar in Stewkley could be a huge attraction to
many youngsters, particularly with the sport now being recognised as an Olympic Sport. The
Chairman commented that the Rec Committee are currently looking at different S106 projects so
suggested the MoP pull together a little more information, in terms of space requirements and
approximate costings, and then reach out directly to the Rec Committee for their consideration. - To receive any declarations of interest
No declarations were received. - Update from Buckinghamshire Unitary Councillor, Phil Gomm
Other than Cllr Gomm’s Annual Parish Meeting update, held at 7pm, prior to this Annual Parish
Council Meeting, the only other update was that he has ordered for SPC some “pick up after your
dogs or you will be fined up to £1,000” signs. - To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 3rd April 2023
The draft minutes were approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman. Proposed: Cllr Bottomley Seconded: Cllr Pryke / Agreed unanimously - Planning
23/01302/ADP – Silkwell Stud, Dunton Road, Stewkley
Whilst Cllrs are not required to comment on a discharge of conditions, they did resolve to have
NO OBJECTIONS to this application.
23/01336/APP – Bonham Farm, 36 High Street North, Stewkley
Cllrs resolved unanimously to SUPPORT this application.
23/01436/APP – 72 High Street North, Stewkley
Cllrs resolved unanimously to OPPOSE this application on the grounds of design of the dormers
and inadequate parking spaces. - Enforcement Issues
There were no new updates - Finance
a) To approve the May payment run as circulated

b) To approve the Year End Accounts to 31st March 2023 as circulated
c) To note the Annual Internal Audit Report 2022/23 conducted by W J Marshall on 28th April 2023.
d) To approve and sign the Section 1 Annual Governance Statement for the year ended 31st March 2023.
e) To approve and sign the Section 2 Annual Governance Statement for the year ended 31stMarch 2023.
f) To note the dates for the Notice of the Public Rights – commencing on Monday 12th June 2023 and ending on Friday 21st July 2023
g) To approve the Accounts to 30th April 2023
All items under Finance 12. a) to g) were unanimously approved and agreed by all Cllrs
13. Recreation Ground
The minutes of the last meeting were noted, and the Chairman reflected on the recent disappointing acts of vandalism and graffiti at the Rec, adding that the PC’s trail camera has been loaned to the Rec and the police are now involved to deter any future acts.
14. Highways, Footpaths, and Lighting
- Cllrs asked the Clerk to follow up again with Cllr Gomm to obtain a copy of the Capital Works Programme list. Action Clerk
- Cllr Arthur commented on the damp and moss erosion from overspilling hedgerows. The Chairman re-iterated it is householders’ responsibility to cut their hedges back and suggested it might be worth highlighting this in Grapevine to remind residents.
- On lighting, Cllr Arthur updated that the quote for the runway tarmac is expected this week, and that our first new replacement lighting column has gone up in Stockhall Crescent.
- Cllr Delafield commented that we are still waiting almost a year on for approval on the MVAS ground screws for HSS and HSN. The Clerk was asked to get involved. Action Clerk
- Cllr Delafield referenced a request he’d made of Village Foundations for a Speed Indicator Device (SID) located near the speed reduction zone. Having heard nothing, he asked if the Clerk could pick this up. Action Clerk
15. Wildlife Reserve
As previously reported, a visit will be hosted on the afternoon of the 16th June for the Community Board in the afternoon. This will follow a visit to the school to look at the forest garden and a walk down to the pond on the circular walk.
16. To report on meetings attended
- The Chairman and Cllr Delafield attended the last Community Board Mtg, a key highlight being that TVP have recruited more PCSO’s which will hopefully address some of the rural policing issues.
- Cllrs attended a very interesting meeting at the Sewage treatment plant and a full write up of which is available in the Grapevine.
17. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 5th June 2023 at The Village Hall. The Chairman confirmed the meeting closed at 21:16