MINUTES Parish Council meeting Monday 6th February 2023
Minutes of the Stewkley Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 6th February 2023 at 7.30pm at the Stewkley Village Hall
Cllr Keith Higgins (Chair), Cllr Andrew Arthur, Cllr Margaret Burgess, Cllr Phil Delafield, Cllr Andrew Pryke, and Joanna Simonds, Clerk & RFO.
There were 3 members of the public in attendance
1. Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllr Bottomley, Cllr Hunt, Cllr Morgan, and Cllr Simeone. Unitary Councillor, Phil Gomm, also sent apologies.
2. Open Forum A member of public asked whether a speed device could be installed at the High Street North (HSN) end of the village, as speeding is getting considerably worse.
The Chairman and Cllr Delafield confirmed SPC have been trying to get a Speed Indicator Device (SID) installed in HSN for almost a year now, but frustratingly, although agreement was reached with Transport for Bucks (TfB) on a location, our contractor is struggling to get the necessary permissions for installation, despite the recent intervention of our Unitary Councillor. We are however, very much hoping that once the new Buckinghamshire contractor, Balfour Beatty, take over from TfB on 1st April, this may prove easier to resolve, and as soon as permission is granted, the Traffic Sub-Committee will alternate the SID and the MVAS on HSN.
3. To receive any declarations of interest No declarations of interest were received on this evening’s agenda.
4. Update from Buckinghamshire Unitary Councillor, Phil Gomm
Cllr Gomm, emailed earlier in the day updating that the Pothole teams are out in force due to the extreme weather conditions that have made our roads even more decimated, and the Chairman reiterated that members of the public should be encouraged, where they come across a pothole, to report it directly on the FixMyStreet website https://www.fixmystreet.buckscc.gov.uk/, or, if unable to do that, to report it to the Parish Clerk, with an exact location, and ideally a photo.
5. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 9th January 2023 The draft minutes were approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman. Proposed: Cllr Burgess / Seconded: Cllr Arthur / Agreed unanimously
6. To approve the updated Standing Orders Cllrs resolved to approve the updated Standing Orders as circulated Proposed: Cllr Arthur / Seconded: Cllr Delafield / Agreed unanimously
7. To approve the proposal to establish a formal Remuneration Committee Cllrs resolved to approve the formation of a Remuneration Committee, the purpose of which would be to review the terms and conditions for any Stewkley Parish Council employees, and to recommend changes to the PC on an annual basis or whenever they feel is appropriate.
Proposed: Cllr Delafield / Seconded: Cllr Pryke / Agreed unanimously
8. Planning
23/00054/APP – Walducks Farm, Soulbury Road, Stewkley LU7 0HW
Demolition of existing agricultural dwelling, and erection of replacement agricultural dwelling Cllrs resolved to SUPPORT this application
Proposed: Cllr Delafield / Seconded: Cllr Pryke / Agreed unanimously
23/00001/APP – 1 Maltings Close, Stewkley LU7 0UN Replacement of first floor front elevation windows and first floor side elevation windows Cllrs resolved to SUPPORT this application Proposed: Cllr Pryke / Seconded: Cllr Burgess
23/00288/APP – Upper Dean Farm, Dean Road, Stewkley LU7 0EU
Removal of caravan and conversion of existing barn to form pair of residential dwellings
Following lengthy discussion, Cllrs resolved to OPPOSE this application on the grounds that this is for two x 4 bed dwellings outside the Neighbourhood Plan settlement boundary, and we have met our need under the local plan for market housing within the Parish. Also, the extension outside of the original barn footprint is not minor, as presented in the planning statement, but significant, and would not be consistent with other decisions that Planners have made on barn developments. In conclusion, this is actually a different application altogether and should be determined as such.
Proposed: Cllr Pryke / Seconded: Cllr Delafield / Agreed unanimously
9. Enforcement Issues
- The Clerk said she’d received a Notification of Withdrawal on the S125 Notice that was served on 74 HSS on 27/1/23, stating an administrative error had been made. BC promptly afterwards served a new Notice, giving the occupant another 3 months to comply with the steps in the Notice.
- 12/D1540 Condition11 Lighting – This modified retrospective application does not address the issues with the lighting as currently installed, namely unsuitable and excessive uplighters for a private stable development and we resubmit our earlier comments.
- 12/A1540/NON – The original permission shows the structure in question as having two sections; one for hay/bedding and one for tractor/implements. Accepted practice for the storage of hay or straw is to avoid an enclosed space for such materials due to the increased risk of self-combustion. It therefore seems inappropriate to install roller shutter doors on at least one half of this barn unless it is not intended to be used for the original purpose after all.
- On Red Brick Farm, the application (pending for a long time), and submitted approx two years ago, to extend stockpiles into the entrance, and increase hard standing, was actually refused by the Planners on 24th August 2022, which suggests that the Enforcement Team could request that they clear that part of the site and reinstate within the footprint of the original plan.
10. Finance
To agree the February payment run as circulated
Proposed: Cllr Delafield / Seconded: Cllr Pryke / Agreed unanimously
To approve the Accounts to 31st January 2023
Proposed: Cllr Delafield / Seconded: Cllr Pryke / Agreed unanimously
11. Recreation Ground
- Following our grant application to the Community Board for a green roof bike shelter at the Rec, the Clerk updated that she’d reached out to the Community Board Manager, for an update and was informed that we should be receiving an official award letter from the Funding Team shortly. Once received, and not before, we can go ahead and place the order for the bike shelter.
- The order has been placed with Foresport Fencing Ltd for the ball stop netting which is being funded under the S106 and will hopefully be installed in time for the new cricket season.
- Planning is underway for the Coronation weekend. The Sunday will be the day at the Rec for the big lunch event, a fun day and a car show, and the theme for the Monday is “Volunteering” so thoughts are underway with a budget set aside to cover costs should it be needed.
12. Highways, Footpaths, and Lighting
- Cllr Delafield commented on the amount of rubbish in the village of late and how the problem is getting worse. A suggestion was made whether homeowners would consider clearing up patches outside their own homes but also the Chairman said with the Best Kept Village coming up in June, and the Coronation weekend in early May, this is something that is on the list of tasks to encourage groups and residents to litter pick as they go through the village.
- Cllr Delafield mentioned the state of some of the verges around High Street South, and how they are getting wrecked by lorries and vans parking up. Dunton Road in particular has a big patch that is getting churned up by big vehicles because the lorries are too wide to pass one another so they go up on the verge. The Chairman suggested maybe some “keep off the grass verge” signs and asking residents that if they are aware of particular companies that are parking and damaging the verges, could they report it to the Clerk who will communicate with the companies in question.
- Cllr Pryke mentioned that the post Cllr Hunt put in going from Dove Street up to Soulbury Road, has been pulled out. Potentially due to delivery vans cutting through as a short cut, it was suggested SPC look to replace it with something more permanent; ideally something aesthetically pleasing. The Clerk to price up for both a permanent and a removal bollard. Cllr Arthur said he would send the Clerk a photo of the exact location. Action Cllr Arthur/Clerk
- Cllr Pryke said that at the last meeting, car parking in the village was discussed and just to record an update, he and Cllr Delafield have drafted a survey of existing car parking to review what options to put forward. Next steps are to analyse where the pinch points are for large vehicles going through the village, and where vehicles might pull in when traffic is coming the other way. Following that, proposals to be shared in the Grapevine for community support.
- Cllr Pryke referenced the Facebook campervan complaints, as whilst legally parked, it does cause a nuisance around the War Memorial. The Clerk to write them a letter. Action Clerk
- Cllr Arthur said he would do a GV write up of where we are on lighting but essentially priorities were summarised as replacing the vandalised bollards on the runway, getting electrical tests and inspections done on all lights and columns, and getting an asset condition report which will effectively give us our 2023 priorities. Action Cllr Arthur The Chairman mentioned that there may be a lamppost missing from our inventory; that being, at the North end, on the junction of the Grange corner between Mursley Rd and Bletchley Rd. Cllr Arthur to check. Action Cllr Arthur
13. Wildlife Reserve
At the recent Community Board meeting, Unitary Cllr, John Chilver, said he was planning a visit to Stewkley sometime in June, to see the wildlife reserve and forest school at the back of St Michael’s.
14. To report on meetings attended
- The Chairman having attended the Community Board Meeting last week said they didn’t go through the projects or applications, but somebody from the Fire Service updated that they’d had their funding cut, so will have to reduce their rescue 4x4s, and they are now going to have to look after HS2, with no extra funding. He also said that if we have elderly parishioners (over 80s), who are in need of help with fire alarms or smoke sensors, they will happily come along and fit them.
- The priorities for the Community Board for next year were announced as Active Lifestyle and Youth, and they mentioned that for the King’s Coronation, if we need road closures, BC will facilitate them.
- Cllr Pryke updated that the recent Planning Liaison meeting was rather disappointing in that it felt attendees were talked at rather than listening to, and much of what they were trying to impress with, had little relevance to SPC or other parishes. In addition, the question that SPC took the time to pose to them in advance of the meeting, was not covered at all but inadequately responded to after the meeting.
15. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 6th March 2023 at The Village Hall
The Chairman confirmed the meeting closed at 20:34