MINUTES Parish Council meeting Monday 5th September 2022

Minutes of the Stewkley Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 5th September 2022 at 7.30pm at the Stewkley Village Hall

Cllr Higgins (Chair), Cllr Morgan, Cllr Arthur, Cllr Bottomley, Cllr Burgess, Cllr Delafield, Cllr Hunt, Cllr Pryke, Cllr Simeone, Joanna Simonds, Clerk & RFO, and Unitary Cllr, Phil Gomm
No members of the public were in attendance

  1. Apologies for absence None
  2. Open Forum No members of the public were present
  3. Declarations of interest Cllr Hunt declared an interest in item 7 on this evening’s agenda

4. Update from Buckinghamshire Unitary Councillor, Phil Gomm

  • Cllr Gomm asked Cllrs to spread the word of the Community Board fund as the £1k grants available are very easy to apply for. In regards to the previous two applications that Cllr Gomm was asked to look into, those being (i) corner of Dean Road, and (ii) the flashing lights for the school patrol, neither appear to have progressed. Cllrs asked if Cllr Gomm would take both of these forward and try to bring them to fruition. Action Cllr Gomm
  • Cllr Gomm thanked the PC for gathering the speeding evidence data on Wing Road, all of which was very helpful and backs up the need for a buffer on that road; the average speed having being recorded at 47mph.
  • Cllr Gomm said he’d been approached by a resident regarding the speed that vehicles approach the Nursery as you come from Wing on the bend. Having considered the options, Cllr Gomm suggested that a precautionary slow down sign could be erected, which over time, could possibly lead to bringing that road down to 40mph. Cllrs thought that was a great idea and Cllr Gomm agreed to look into it. He suggested that a similar approach could be taken for Dunton Road, but instead with a horse rider/cyclist slow down sign. Again, Cllrs liked that idea, and asked Cllr Gomm to see what he could do here. Action Cllr Gomm
  • Cllr Gomm and the Chairman met with Dandara to talk about the gateway coming into the village. The idea is to move the gate forward by another metre or so, to avoid re-siting the lamp column, keeping it within the 30mph restricted area and having the 30mph displayed on both sides.

5. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 4th July 2022 and the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday 9th May 2022

Both sets of draft minutes were approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman. Proposed: Cllr Morgan / Seconded: Cllr Bottomley / Agreed unanimously

6. August Planning applications To ratify the two planning applications received in August:
22/02312/APP – 30 Dunton Road, Stewkley– Cllrs resolved to SUPPORT this application 22/02455/APP – 12 Dean Road, Stewkley – Cllrs resolved to OPPOSE this application in its current form but were happy to meet with the applicant to explain the Parish Councils concerns
Both applications were unanimously ratified

7. Planning
22/02549/VRC – The Ploughing Barns, Soulbury Road, Stewkley
The Chairman confirmed that the Planning statement missing from the Portal was circulated earlier. This supporting evidence being clear and helpful information, Cllrs resolved to SUPPORT the application Proposed: Cllr Higgins / Seconded: Cllr Bottomley / Agreed unanimously
Cllr Hunt abstained from voting, having previously declared an interest 22/03009/APP – 19 Dunton Road, Stewkley LU7 0HY Cllrs resolved to SUPPORT this application
Proposed: Cllr Morgan / Seconded: Cllr Arthur / Agreed unanimously

8. Enforcement Issues

• Cllr Gomm said he would pick up with Enforcement tomorrow on the Dean Road stables and builders yard –

9. Finance

To receive any updates on the commemorative garden
The Chairman confirmed we now have a draft agreement with the Diocese, who own the land, which we are happy to sign, this allowing us to create the garden, with a timeframe included should they require the land back. The other part to this is getting planning permission for change of use from a private piece of land to one with public access, which the Chair will work with Cllr Gomm on. In the meantime, the Chair and Cllr Bottomley have come up with a re-draft drawing of the garden, but it was noted that this is evolving as we go along and get advice.

21/00349/CONB. Action Cllr Gomm

74 High Street South is still being closely monitored and Cllr Gomm was informed today that the

case has moved up to the final officer. The next step would be Court action.

• To ratify the August payment run as circulated

SPC payments August 2022

Proposed: Cllr Morgan / Seconded: Cllr Delafield / Agreed unanimously

• To agree the September payment run as circulated

SPC payments September 2022

Proposed: Cllr Arthur / Seconded: Cllr Bottomley / Agreed unanimously

• To approve the Accounts to 31st July 2022
Proposed: Cllr Morgan / Seconded: Cllr Pryke / Agreed unanimously

10. Queen Jubilee

To receive any updates on the commemorative garden
The Chairman confirmed we now have a draft agreement with the Diocese, who own the land, which we are happy to sign, this allowing us to create the garden, with a timeframe included should they require the land back. The other part to this is getting planning permission for change of use from a private piece of land to one with public access, which the Chair will work with Cllr Gomm on. In the meantime, the Chair and Cllr Bottomley have come up with a re-draft drawing of the garden, but it was noted that this is evolving as we go along and get advice.

It was agreed the Chair would email the updated drawing and accompanying text to Cllr Gomm so he can take this forward. Action Chair/Cllr Gomm Cllr Gomm also suggested that a community funding application could be put in for benches for the garden.

To agree next steps regarding the Queen’s Green Canopy

Cllrs agreed to park this idea for the time being and concentrate on the commemorative garden.

11. Recreation Ground

  • Cllr Morgan requested Cllrs permission to approve the re-listing of the Pavilion and Associated Recreation Ground as a community asset; the current five-year expiration being 29th November 2022. The Chairman proposed / Cllr Delafield seconded, and all Cllrs agreed unanimously.
  • Some months ago, a bike shelter was proposed for the Rec and as discussions have evolved, the idea now is to create something with a green living roof which would enhance the car park. Whilst this would be a more costly investment, it would enhance the area. As previously mentioned, we have £800 to put towards it from the Youth Club and the idea would then be to apply for a grant for

the balance, either from the Community Board or some of the other funding avenues that the Clerk has identified. It was agreed that Cllr Morgan, will raise this at the next Rec Committee meeting to get their views. Action Cllr Morgan

  • The Chairman praised this year’s RecFest as brilliantly successful, and Cllr Morgan mentioned the Play Around the Parish event and how it was probably one of the best attended yet, with the Brownies coming up trumps with the refreshments.
  • Cllr Hunt asked if the Clerk could order more dog bin bags for Alan ASAP. Action Clerk

12. Highways, Footpaths, and Lighting

  • Cllr Bottomley asked whether anyone knew who was putting new paving outside The Swan. There was a bad patch on the corner which was filled in, and now some white lines have been marked out. Cllr Gomm said there is a meeting next week on strategic assets so he would see if he could get an update. He did add however, that if there are any materials left over from a job, the team do check their list of areas that need backfilling.
  • Cllr Arthur asked if there was any update on the Soulbury Road verge – The Clerk confirmed she had received confirmation on 28th June that Western Power had been instructed to return and make good the verge. She then followed up again on 24th August but no response has been received. The Clerk will follow up on this again and escalate to Cllr Gomm, if necessary. Action Clerk
  • Cllr Gomm said he was working with parents around the spare seats scheme for 6th formers.
  • Cllrs asked if there was any update on the Motorhomes/Campervans causing a hazard on the war memorial bend. There was not so the Clerk will follow up with PC Ian Carter. Action Clerk Cllrs also suggested giving consideration to potential locations for people to store such vehicles.
  • The Chairman confirmed that Buckinghamshire Council announced last month that their contract with Ringway Jacobs will finish in March 2023 and that Balfour Beatty Living Places has been awarded the future Term Maintenance Contract to look after the county’s highway network.

13. Stewkley Wildlife Reserve

Nothing to report

14. To report on meetings attended

There were no meetings to report on.

15. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Monday 3rd October 2022 at The Village Hall The Chairman confirmed the meeting closed at 20:58