MINUTES Parish Council meeting Monday 5th June 2023

Cllr Higgins (Chair), Cllr Morgan, Cllr Arthur, Cllr Bottomley, Cllr Delafield, Cllr Simeone, Joanna Simonds, Clerk & RFO and 2 members of the public (during Open Forum only)

1 Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllrs Hunt and Pryke, and the Chairman formally accepted the resignation of Cllr Margaret Burgess, received on 15th May, asking that thanks be recorded in the minutes for her many years of dedicated service.

2. Open Forum A member of public raised two matters in respect of Kings Street:

(i)  the matter of the recently erected staircase and fence attached to the Carpenters Arms which is causing an obstruction accessing Kings Street and resulting in refuse lorries being unable to access the road since its construction. The resident confirmed he was now himself in discussion with the Head of the Highways Department who was being very responsive, and he thanked for the PC for their ongoing communications with the Fire Department.

(ii)  The other matter relates to the condition of the Kings Street road surface. Whilst the top end is residents’ responsibility, with agreement from Buckinghamshire Council, residents would like to put down some appropriate hardcore at residents’ expense in order to improve the surface of the road. Cllr Gomm said he would pick this up directly with the resident, agreeing to chat on the phone tomorrow or Wednesday, to take matters forward. Action Cllr Gomm

3. To receive any declarations of interest No declarations were received.

4. To make any Cllrs representatives changes to outside bodies or working groups

With Cllr Burgess’ resignation, there is a Cllr representative vacancy on the Village Hall Committee. It was agreed the Chairman would chat with the VH Chair to understand what they require of a representative Parish Councillor. Action Chair

5. Update from Buckinghamshire Unitary Councillor, Phil Gomm

  • Pick up after your dog and no cold calling signs have been ordered but are on back order.
  • Pothole teams has been increased across the County and BC have purchased a Pothole Pro. Whilst there is only one, it is slowly doing the rounds across the County.
  • Some residents have reached out directly regarding reports of grass fly tipping in Dove Street. A letter to all Dove Street residents was suggested advising that they should not deposit garden waste in that right of way access area and Cllrs felt it would have more gravitas if the letter were sent from BC. Cllr Gomm said he would instigate this. Action Cllr Gomm
  • Recently appointed Community Board Chair, Cllr Gomm said there was a monetary pot of £103k to be used by the end of September, and PC’s are urged to submit applications. The Chair asked about the two long-standing applications (i) the school traffic signs, and (ii) Dean Road. Cllr Gomm said that Dean Road was unlikely to progress, however the school traffic signs are still very much on his radar.
  • Cllr Gomm will attend the Dunton Parish Meeting tomorrow with interesting agenda items from a Stewkley perspective being Dunton Rd, the Cublington waste station and Red Brick Farm.
  • The capital programme has not yet been circulated as uncertainties remain, but Sycamore Close and a section of Dunton Road are on the list for this year.

6. Update from the Clerk on Parish Matters

  • Following Cllr sign off, the year-end paperwork has been submitted to the External Auditor.
  • The new green roofed bike shelter was installed at the Rec on 25th May and as lead Cllr on this project, Cllr Morgan has agreed to prepare a write up with photos for the Grapevine.
  • Following Cllr Burgess’ resignation, the co-option process has started, as legally required, and if no call for an election is received by close of play tomorrow, the process of officially advertising the vacancy will commence and co-option added to the July agenda.
  • An update was shared with Cllrs on Stewkley’s position with Highways works we can expect to see over the coming months, and the HSS footpaths will be re-reported on FixMyStreet.
  • Regarding potential funding of a new SID, Village Foundations have confirmed that as this request has come outside of the ‘normal’ planning route, they are unable to consider our request until such time as planning is granted. This will therefore be revisited at a later date.
  • The Fire & Rescue Team have been very responsive in respect of the Carpenters Arms fire escape and fence issue, confirming that
  • Another 6 boxes of dog pooh bags were ordered last week for the Rec dispenser units.
  • We await a final quote for the proposed footpath to connect the Rec Ground Pavilion car park with the burial ground car park and will then commence work on our S106 application.
  • Having taken this back on as an action, progress is being made with the ground screws application for relocating our MVAS.
  • The viability proposal for extending the Lawn Cemetery has been located and the Clerk will review the document over the Summer and reach out for quotations in advance of the Dec budget meeting, so we have an idea of costings should Cllrs wish to take the project forward.

7. To approve the minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Tues 9th May 2023 The draft minutes were approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman. Proposed: Cllr Delafield Seconded: Cllr Bottomley / Agreed unanimously

8. Planning
23/01256/APP – Stewkley Village Hall, Ivy Lane, Stewkley
23/01449/ALB – 44 High Street South, Stewkley LU7 0HR
23/01508/AGN – Bonham Farm, 36 High Street North, Stewkley LU7 0EW

23/01604/AGN – The Croft, 22 Wing Road, Stewkley LU7 0JB
23/01692/APP – 4 High Street North, Stewkley LU7 0HH
Cllrs resolved unanimously to SUPPORT all five planning applications.

9. Enforcement Issues

  • There were no new updates on either 74 High Street South or Dean Road.
  • On Red Brick Farm, Cllr Delafield asked for contact details of Jack Stevens, at BC, the new contact for reporting purposes, who took over from Mitchel Pugh. Action Clerk to provide.

10. Finance

a) To approve the June payment run as circulated:

SPC payments June 2023

b) To approve the Accounts to 31st May 2023 as circulated
Cllrs resolved unanimously in SUPPORT of both Finance items a) and b).

11. Recreation Ground

Cllr Morgan thanked Cllr Gomm for his part in helping to secure the Community Board funding for the green roof bike shelter.

12. Highways, Footpaths, and Lighting

Cllr Arthur said he was still waiting on the output of our asset survey and electrical test and reports from Sparkx but said he would follow up.

The Chairman asked Cllr Gomm whether the lighting team within the new contractor team, Balfour Beaty, were actively up and running and would it be worth contacting them. Cllr Gomm said he believed the team were up and running and would provide Cllr Arthur with contact details tomorrow. Action Cllr Gomm

13. To report on meetings attended

• Cllr Simeone attended the Church PCC meeting on 25th May, a report for which was uploaded to Dropbox for Cllrs review.
• Cllr Morgan missed the May NBPPC Meeting but was pleased to report they have recruited a new Secretary for the group. The next meeting will be their AGM in September.

14. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Monday 3rd July 2023 at The Village Hall.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 20:44