MINUTES Parish Council meeting Monday 4th November 2024

Minutes of the Stewkley Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 4th November 2024 at 7.30pm at the Stewkley Village Hall

Cllr Keith Higgins (Chair), Cllr Gill Morgan, Cllr Brian Bottomley, Cllr Phil Delafield, Cllr Henry Hunt,
Cllr Andrew Pryke, and Joanna Simonds, Clerk & RFO.
There were 2 members of public (MoP) in attendance, up to and including Open Forum.

1. To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Andrew Arthur, Cllr Joanne Locke and Cllr Virgilio Simeone.

2. To receive any declarations of interest on this evening’s agenda
Cllr Pryke declared an interest in planning application 24/02747/APP.
No further declarations were received.

3. Open Forum
A MoP confirmed that Father Christmas would be coming through Stewkley again this year and asked if the Parish Council would contribute towards the purchase of some lights that would be used year after year to illuminate Santa’s sleigh.
Cllrs unanimously supported a donation of up to £100 payable on receipt.

A MoP referenced the increase in the amount of Docherty lorries coming down the Dunton Road and wondered if there is anyone monitoring this. The MoP also witnessed today, at the field just beyond Durrants Farm, Docherty were dumping soil and queried whether this was allowed. The Chair pointed out that this area is not in the Stewkley parish, which stops just after Vicarage Farm, so this area falls within Soulbury, however, any member of public can report issues on the Buckinghamshire Council enforcement website.

4. Update from Unitary Councillor, Phil Gomm on Buckinghamshire Council matters

Cllr Gomm was not in attendance and there was no update provided.
Cllrs expressed disappointment at not having seen or heard from our Unitary Councillor in some months, adding that the PC was at a disadvantage, missing out on hearing about Buckinghamshire Council activities. The Clerk was asked to email Cllr Gomm that if he is unable to attend in person, could he please instead provide a report of Buckinghamshire Council activities which could then be reported in the minutes and village newsletter. Action Clerk

5. Update from the Clerk on Parish matters

  • The 2024 Best Kept Village Winners certificates are now posted on all 4 noticeboards.
  • A road closure will be in place for the Stewkley Remembrance Day Parade and the Chair will lay a wreath on behalf of the Parish Council.
  • A local farmer has offered the gift of a Christmas Tree for outside the Village Hall. ClIr Hunt has kindly agreed to liaise with the farmer at the end of the month to arrange collection and transport of the tree to the Village Hall.
  • The recent damage to the new footpath at the Rec has been reported to Buckinghamshire Council as some of the damage pertains to their dog bin contractors driving their vans on the tarmacked surface. BC were prompt in responding and will request that driving on this area stops. They did, however, ask for a photo so they are clear of its whereabouts. The Chair to provide the Clerk with a photo. Action Chair
  • Our Local Area Technician has reminded the contracted design consultant that the service road by the bungalows on Maltings Close, where the pavement is badly deteriorated, will be included in the repair and they will return to site to survey it.
  • Enforcement have confirmed that following their site visit to 74 HSS on 21 October, they concluded the site was much improved. The lorry, toilets and building materials have been removed thus the section 215 Notice has been complied with. The case is now closed.
  • Buckinghamshire Council have confirmed they’ve reclaimed the money for the damaged grit bin on South Lane and that the new bin will be installed before Winter.
  • The National Lottery have been contacted regarding a replacement sign for the wildlife area as the current one is damaged. The Chair confirmed it was on the PC’s radar to get the noticeboards in the Wildlife area repaired.
  • One faulty streetlight, reported earlier today, that being streetlight 46 near the parked camper in HSS which is mostly off but flickers occasionally. The Chair also mentioned another, PB035 on HSN near Ivy Lane that is permanently on during the day. The Clerk will report both to our contractor. Action Clerk

6. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Mtg held on Monday 7th October 2024
The draft minutes were approved and signed as a true record by the Chair.
Proposed: Cllr Delafield / Seconded: Cllr Bottomley / Agreed unanimously

7. Planning
24/02747/APP – The Old Coal House, 3 Dunton Road, Stewkley LU7 0HY
Cllr Pryke abstained from voting having earlier declared an interest.
All remaining Cllrs resolved unanimously to SUPPORT this planning application
24/03082/APP – 6 Courtneidge Close, Stewkley LU7 0EL
Cllrs resolved unanimously to SUPPORT this planning application

8. Finance
To approve the November payment run as circulated:

SPC payments november 2024

Proposed: Cllr Delafield / Seconded: Cllr Bottomley / Agreed unanimously

To approve the Accounts to 31st October 2024 as circulated
Proposed: Cllr Bottomley / Seconded: Cllr Morgan / Agreed unanimously

To approve the appointment of Bridget Knight as the Internal Auditor for 2024/25
Cllrs resolved unanimously to approve this appointment.

To review and approve changes to the Financial & Management Risk Assessment
Cllrs resolved unanimously to approve the proposed updates.

To adopt the 2024 Financial Regulations policy as circulated and recommended by NALC
Cllrs resolved to defer this item to the December meeting to allow Cllrs more time to review the policy and give it the attention it requires. All Cllrs

9. Rural Exception Housing
Cllrs resolved to accept the request of a free housing needs survey for Stewkley from Community Impact Bucks, which would be a great first step to revising the Neighbourhood Plan, due for revision in the next year or so. A Working Group was agreed consisting of Cllr Morgan, Cllr Pryke and Cllr Delafield. The survey will be shared with full Council before submitting back to Community Impact Bucks. Action Cllrs Morgan, Pryke & Delafield.

10. Community Projects
Cllr Morgan referenced the Anti-Social Behaviour Working Group online survey and suggested the link should be accessible on the Parish Council website. The Clerk to request the link from Cllr Locke and get it uploaded to the website. Action Clerk

11. Recreation Ground
The contractors have been out to inspect the damaged footpath and believe the crack in the middle is partly due to the very wet weather during the installation of the path, but also up near the play area there’s a crack more towards the side which they suspect is due to vehicles driving on it. This is being addressed.

Cllr Bottomley asked what was happening regarding cycling at the Rec as despite signage saying not to, there appears to be much more cycling on the grass and path than there ever has been. The Chair confirmed that the Rec Committee have agreed to support cycling on the path and signage will be changed accordingly.

12. To agree the date of the next Parish Council Meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday 2nd December ‘24 at The Village Hall at 7.30pm.

The Chair confirmed the meeting closed at 20:48.