MINUTES Parish Council meeting Monday 4th July 2022
Cllr Keith Higgins (Chair), Cllr Gill Morgan, Cllr Brian Bottomley, Cllr Margaret Burgess, Cllr Phil Delafield, Cllr Henry Hunt, Cllr Andrew Pryke, Joanna Simonds, Clerk & RFO and Unitary Cllr Phil Gomm. No members of the public were in attendance.
1. Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Andrew Arthur and Cllr Virgilio Simeone
2. Open Forum
No members of the public were present
3. Declarations of interest
4. Update from Buckinghamshire Unitary Councillor, Phil Gomm
• The Community Board mini grants open today. The Chairman asked if the ones in the system
previously submitted (Dean Road and the flashing warning lights by the school) would be carried
over. Cllr Gomm wasn’t sure but confirmed he would look into this. Action Cllr Gomm
With no further updates, the Chairman asked whether Cllrs had any questions for Cllr Gomm.
• Cllr Morgan referenced the NBPPC AGM on 30/6, which although she wasn’t present at, there
has been a lot of email traffic around two specific points. The first being issues of disquiet with
BC and the 28 towns and parishes that are represented by the NBPPC. In particular, the lack of
an agreed charter that was proposed by BC as to how the UC would communicate with its towns
and parishes, and a degree of frustration that BC are not taking into account the wishes of the
towns and parishes. The second issue surrounds the lack of communication coming back from
the Unitary to the town and parishes on things that affect them, with Cllr Morgan adding that as
much as the involvement of the BC councillor in parish meetings and affairs is valued, previously,
towns and parishes have also had an independent voice of their own with BC, but this direct
communication is diminishing. After lengthy discussion, Cllr Gomm suggested it might be prudent
for the NBPPC to invite a couple of UC’s along to a meeting as the UC role is there to challenge
BC on behalf of the town and parish councils.
• Cllr Pryke asked whether there was anything BC were doing in regards to planning applications
and associated carbon targets/carbon offsetting. Cllr Gomm said BC have committed to plant a
large number of trees throughout Buckinghamshire and a solar panel scheme was also running.
5. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 6th June 2022
The draft minutes were approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.
Proposed: Cllr Delafield / Seconded: Cllr Burgess / Agreed unanimously
6. Planning applications
22/01400/APP – STEWKLEY
55 High Street South, Stewkley LU7 0HP
The Chairman confirmed that although this application was covered last month, and he and Cllr Pryke
had subsequently had a good meeting with the applicant, this re-consultation is because it affects a
listed building in the conservation area. The Chairman concluded that this was a consultation that
we don’t need to respond to because the only document on the website for which this notice has
been published, is to say this is a listed building in a conservation area, so our objection still stands
until we see documents regarding what was discussed with the applicant on the planning portal.
Cllr Pryke asked if Cllr Gomm could feed back into Highways for future applications, that whilst they
may take on board visual splays, what does not appear to be taken into consideration is that cars get
parked in these splays, and so if applicants are forming a new driveway/access way, white lines need
to be put in to the right at least where the traffic comes in, otherwise it defeats the purpose and makes
it dangerous.
7. Enforcement Issues
• The 12-week enforcement deadline has today expired on 74-78 High Street South. Having seen
no sign of any clearance activity, Cllr Gomm confirmed that an email would be going off to the
property owner tomorrow.
• Following the PC’s letter to enforcement regarding the equestrian development on Dean Road
and the builders yard development the owner was looking for retrospective on, all of which relates
back to a permission granted in 2012, the PC has received a response stating that having visited
the development, enforcement conclude it was lawfully implemented and what has been built
• Regarding the storage facility created on the boundary of Dean Road, enforcement will be writing
to the owner of this property giving them three months to empty and demolish the structure.
8. Finance
• To approve the July payment run as circulated
9. Best Kept Village
Nothing to update
10. Queen’s Jubilee
• To receive any updates on the commemorative garden
Cllr Bottomley has been in conversation with and received advice from Heritage, the Chairman is
in touch with the Diocese, regarding a legal agreement and certification of ownership, and designs
are being finalised before a planning application is prepared and submitted.
• To agree next steps regarding the Queen’s Green Canopy
Inspired by Simon Wilkinson, the PC are looking to renew some of the avenues through the
village. Whilst Cllr Hunt will still assist with equipment, with current work pressures, he is unable
to take the lead on this project. The Chairman and Cllr Delafield to give this some further thought.
11. Recreation Ground
• Cllr Morgan confirmed that Julie Dawson has sadly stepped down as Chair from the Rec
Committee after an outstanding reign. The Vice Chair has kindly agreed to take the role on for a
maximum of 3 months, but being a registered charity, it is a rule that The Rec must have a Chair.
Julie has been Chair all the way through the renovations to the Pavilion, which were enormous,
and all the way through Covid, driving everything that happened there. Cllrs were unanimous in
their praise for Julie and all she has achieved during her tenure.
• The youth club have now disbanded formally and have £800 that they would like to put towards
a bike rack for the Rec. This means the PC have reasonable matching funds to submit an
application to the Community Board. Whilst the design is still to be thought through, the idea is
to create something with a green living roof.
• Cllr Bottomley asked that thanks be minuted to Cllr Simeone for instigating the painting of the
adult gym equipment, having had the welding done a while back. The volunteer team worked
really hard and their efforts are clearly visible to all.
12. Highways, Footpaths, and Lighting
• On lighting, having taken advice from a BC specialist, a proposal has been submitted to Dandara
for the adoption of the 5 lighting columns on Soulbury Road. We await their response.
• Also on lighting, more potential contractors are coming in to play and Cllr Arthur had a very
productive meeting with one of the contractors last week. Cllr Delafield mentioned that at the
Wing & Parishes Meeting the other week, Cllr Arthur led the lighting discussion really well and he
suspects it maybe Stewkley taking the lead here.
• The Clerk has secured a meeting with our local Police Constable next Monday 11th July and the
Chairman confirmed topics to be raised at that meeting would be inconsiderate parking (in
particular the Campervan by the war memorial and the second one on the bend), along with
issues of uncontrolled dogs and dog attacks, graffiti, speeding and the situation with PCSOs and
the lack of police patrols in the village.
13. Stewkley Wildlife Reserve
• Cllr Hunt shared a few updates from Alan Dickens:
• Alan has suggested now the new Stewkley signs have been erected on the Soubury Road, it
would be good if the old signs could be removed entirely or transferred to the other side of the
road as he has noticed that it creates a blind spot for traffic leaving the village. Cllr Hunt said he
would pick this up with Dandara.
• Since December 2021, 2,650 dog pooh bags have been installed in dispensers in the Rec.
• Cllrs were encouraged to pop up to the wildlife reserve to see it at its best, with the second peak
of flowering taking place this week with knapweed, tufted vetch, oxeye daisies, and yellow rattle
to name but a few.
14. To report on meetings attended
• Cllr Delafield confirmed that the Stewkley Business Open Day proposal team met and have
decided to go for Sunday 6th November for a Stewkley Drop-in day at the Pavilion. The Clerk to email Cllr Delafield with the village group email addresses. Action Clerk
• The Chairman confirmed that he and Cllr Morgan are unable to attend the next Community Board
Meeting on Thursday 28th July; apologies will be sent.
• Cllr Morgan asked if the Clerk could email over a Play At The Parishes poster for display in the
Rec and to ask the organisers when they will need access Action Clerk
15. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 5th September 2022 at The Village Hall.
With no meeting in August, any planning applications will be circulated, and Cllr Pryke will prepare
his usual report.
The Chairman confirmed the meeting closed at 21:04