MINUTES Parish Council meeting Monday 3rd July 2023

Cllr Keith Higgins (Chair), Cllr Gill Morgan, Cllr Andrew Arthur, Cllr Phil Delafield, Cllr Henry Hunt, Cllr Virgilio Simeone, Joanna Simonds, Clerk & RFO and 6 members of the public

1.Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Bottomley, Cllr Pryke and Unitary Cllr Gomm

2. Open Forum

A MoP referenced planning application 23/01436/APP for 72 High Street North that the PC
opposed in May, on the grounds of design of the dormers and inadequate parking spaces. 
He was disappointed that the PC had opposed the application understanding that the
conversion is allowed under permitted development.  The Chair thanked the MoP for coming
along and expressing his views adding that comments had already been submitted but
MoP’s are always welcomed to attend PC meetings in advance of planning applications
being considered. 

The Chair welcome PC Ian Carter and PCSO Joshua Walton-Taylor of Thames Valley
Police. PCSO Walton-Taylor updated that in 2023 to date there have been 5 thefts from
motor vehicles and 1 robbery. In Stewkley as a whole, in the last 10 years, there have been
68 thefts from motor vehicles, 15 thefts and 14 residential burglaries. In 2022, there were 6
thefts from motor vehicles, 1 robbery and 1 burglary, so stats to date this year are better than
they were this time a year ago. Recent vandalism and graffiti at the Rec was discussed and
PC Carter said that for the last 1½ years, TVP have been working with only one PCSO and
one Police Constable for the whole area, but going forward, Stewkley will see more of
Joshua, who will split his time between Stewkley, Soulbury, Stoke Hammond, Newton Leys
South, Drayton Parslow, Oving and Great Brickhill. PCSO Izzy Fincher will also be visible
once she finishes her training.

A member of the Recreation Ground Committee confirmed that at a sub-committee mtg
earlier this evening, the AT Bone quotation was reviewed and approved as the preferred
service provider for the path. The Clerk confirmed she would proceed with the S106

3. To receive any declarations of interest
No declarations were received.

4. Update from Buckinghamshire Unitary Councillor, Phil Gomm
Cllr Gomm sent apologies earlier this afternoon and emailed his update as follows:

I enjoyed my tour the other week around Stewkley with the Chair and others. All the projects
we looked at are extremely special in their own way, ending up with the blooming cycle
shelter (looks great).

I Spoke to the director of Village Foundation over the MVAS (similar) request to go where
there new housing development and his is more than happy to have a discussion.

As Chairman of the Community Board I mentioned out on our tour there was a few little
projects we might be able to fund in the up to £1K grants, A Seat or two at the pond ? Some
of the new trees in the far spinney area? .  Please keep promoting to small community
groups of funding.

5. Update from the Clerk on Parish Matters

Morelock emailed on 23/6 regarding the ground screws application for relocating our MVAS
confirming they were reacquainting themselves with the documents needed to make the
application, but the service drawings originally provided may now be out of date as its ten
months from when they last tried applying for the Section 171 licence.

On behalf of Cllr Delafield, I’ve written to the Community Board Manager regarding some
small grant funding in relation to the Wetland project. As soon as I receive a positive
endorsement, I will get an application in. Sophia was on holiday last week and only back

Following approval of our planning application on the PC’s proposal to create a
commemorative garden on the section of unused school garden, an agreement has now
been signed and Cllrs Bottomley and Higgins will take the lead on moving this project

The perpetrator for the damage to the Jubilee Pump admitted liability and following a
quotation from the Linksman, we have now been fully reimbursed for the repair costs.

The staircase obstruction has now been removed from the Carpenters Arms.

The illegible street signs in Tythe Close and St Michael’s Close were reported on 15 th June
asking if the lettering can be replaced.

The HSS footway photos have been uploaded to FixMyStreet and confirmation received on
25 th June that an order has been raised for a permanent repair to be carried out within the
next 16 weeks (taking us to mid-October). Still some way off but a positive communication.

I wrote to Fairhive last Friday asking whether they are responsible for the Social housing in
St Michael’s Park, following reports made directly to the Chair of grass cuttings and other
rubbish being dumped over the fences into the private land in Orkney and Walducks Close.

At Cllr Delafield’s request, I reported some breaches on Red Brick Farm to Enforcement on
24 th June. No acknowledgement has been received as of yet.

We’ve received the long-awaited reports from Sparkx which Andrew is now reviewing and
discussing with the engineer as there are some areas requiring attention.

6. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 5 th June 2023
The draft minutes were approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.
Proposed: Cllr Morgan Seconded: Cllr Delafield / Agreed unanimously

7. Planning
23/01700/APP – Stewkley Village Hall, Ivy Lane, Stewkley
Cllrs resolved unanimously to SUPPORT this application
23/01740/APP – Mount Pleasant Farm, Dunton Road, Stewkley LU7 0LU
Cllrs resolved unanimously to SUPPORT this application
23/01773/APP – Land adjacent to 18 Dean Road, Stewkley
Cllrs resolved unanimously to SUPPORT this application
23/01827/AGN – Kingsbridge Farm, Dunton Road, Stewkley LU7 0LS
Cllrs resolved unanimously to SUPPORT this application
23/01846/APP – Red Barn Farm, Tythe Close, Stewkley LU0 OHD
Cllrs resolved they had NO OBJECTIONS to this application
23/01841/APP – Nordens Farm, Stewkley Lane, Mursley MK17 0JD
Cllrs resolved unanimously to SUPPORT this application

The Chair updated that the Village Foundations draft S106 application details the education
contribution going towards a school in Aylesbury, but the Offsite Sport & Leisure contribution of
£53,000 will go towards “the improvements and refurbishment of Stewkley Recreation Ground
and wildlife reserve including but not limited to access sport and play facilities and/or provision of
a publicly accessible sensory garden and/or multi-use games area within the Parish of

8. Enforcement Issues
The Chair confirmed he has agreed a meeting with the Enforcement Team Leader on Thursday
13 th July. Cllr Delafield will also be in attendance, along with Unitary Cllr Gomm, if he is
available. A time of 10.30am was agreed and the Chair will draft and circulate an agenda.

9. Finance
a) To approve the July payment run as circulated:

SPC payments July 2023

The Clerk confirmed two additional invoices had been received today, one in relation to the Rec
from Monet Tree Care, and another for plug plants for the Wildlife Reserve. Cllrs resolved to
approve the July payment run as presented and the two additional payments.

b) To approve the Accounts to 30 th June 2023 as circulated
Cllrs resolved unanimously to approve the accounts to 30 th June 2023

10. To consider the three co-option applications received and resolve to fill the Councillor vacancy
The Chair welcomed the three candidates, thanked them for their applications and for attending
this evening’s meeting and asked Cllrs whether they had any points of clarification on the three
applications. Following a couple of clarification questions, the Chair asked for nominations, in
surname alphabetical order: Candidate 1, JL; Candidate 2, JS; and Candidate 3, KW.
Cllr Delafield proposed candidate 3. This was seconded by Cllr Arthur
Cllr Morgan proposed candidate 1. This was seconded by Cllr Hunt
Cllrs then took a vote and candidate 1, Joanne Locke, received the majority vote. A Declaration
of Acceptance was signed and witnessed by the Clerk and Joanne, joined the table.

11. To agree the date of the next Stewkley Drop-in
Cllrs agreed the next Stewkley Drop-in as Sunday 5 th November at The Rec from 11am to 1pm.

12. Recreation Ground
Cllr Morgan paid special thanks to the local resident who cleaned up the recent graffiti at the

13. Highways, Footpaths, and Lighting

The Chair said he’d mentioned at the recent Parish Liaison Meeting, the potential retention of
EWR passing bays and specifically the Bletchley Road and Mursley Road. A senior BC
Liaison officer for EWR affairs confirmed that SPC would be consulted before any action is
taken (or not!).

The 2023 lighting report has highlighted a number of electrical issues that require attention;
these will be carried out as soon as our contractors are able to prioritise them.

14. To report on meetings attended
Reports were shared on Dropbox on all meetings attended, those being the Environment
Action Group Visit on 16 th June, the 28 th June Parish Liaison Meeting, and signing of the
Land User Agreement in relation to the Commemorative Garden on 30 th June.

15. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 4 th September 2023 at The Village Hall.
The Chair declared the meeting closed at 20:51