MINUTES Parish Council meeting Monday 2nd October 2023

Minutes of the Stewkley Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 2nd October 2023 at 7.30pm at the Stewkley Village Hall

Cllr Keith Higgins (Chair), Cllr Gill Morgan, Cllr Andrew Arthur, Cllr Brian Bottomley, Cllr Phil Delafield, Cllr Henry Hunt, Cllr Joanne Locke, Cllr Andrew Pryke, Joanna Simonds, Clerk & RFO

1. Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllr Simeone.

2. Open Forum There were no members of the public present.

3. To receive any declarations of interest No declarations were received.

4. Update from Buckinghamshire Unitary Councillor, Phil Gomm

Unitary Cllr Phil Gomm was not present but provided the following unedited email update for circulation:

  • I was extremely happy to attend the Best Kept Village event from you invite and some extra good came from this, was I promoted the Community Board to the Brownies helping, who we are going to help with some funding.
  • Sycamore Close resurfacing next week from the 9th, as promised.
  • Cllr Dansfield and I are discussing highway issues and traffic calming over the next few weeks when I’m back.
  • I had several complaints why I was not sorting the black Peugeot car dumped High Street North?? I explained I didn’t know about it but soon got up to speed especially after my FB post about it. The car has NO owner, but we have to go through a legal process before it’s taken away BUT the Police have come to me with a new story about this car…I will save that until I see you all. It will be removed.
  • Vehicles parking around the area of the War Memorial which I know the PC have been involved with and the Police. Ive been asked by many parishioners to get involved and try and resolve …I will but will link up with the Clerk so we all know who is doing what?
  • Community Board applications there are some coming forward from Stewkley but SLOWLY.
  • Who wants to team up with me to sign off the School Warning Signs long outstanding issue.
  • School Buses returning after the summer ….NO PROBLEMS, accept 1 Sixth form Spare Set refusal which got dealt with she now travels on the bus.

5. Update from the Clerk on Parish Matters

  • The Rights of Way work on the Cricketer’s Close footpath loop has now been completed and the definitive line of the path reestablished. It is now re-open for public use. Cllrs were thrilled to hear this and Cllr Morgan said she would take a photograph and put something on the village FB page. Action Cllr Morgan
  • A Community Board funding application for the Commemorative Garden was submitted on 13th September. The Community Board Manager has confirmed its safe receipt.
  • On the Donoghue artic lorry/Red Brick Farm breach reported on 24th June, Enforcement made a site visit on 18th July, where multiple issues were observed. Enforcement advised they would be revisiting in 6 weeks expecting to see improvements and reminded them of both the approved hours of operation and the limit on articulated vehicles. They re-visited on 8th Sept and were disappointed no progress had been made. As a result, formal notice will be served.
  • On 74 High Street South, despite Enforcement stating the site is looking much improved, Cllrs agreed from photos taken earlier that day that compliance has not been achieved in line with the enforcement notice. The Clerk to reach back out to Enforcement sharing Cllrs concerns. Action Clerk
  • Regarding the ground screws licence application, for moving the MVAS machine, following no joy with our historical supplier, the PC will proceed with another supplier who came highly recommended. The Clerk is finalising the paperwork and will get the order approved this week.
  • As confirmed on 8th Sept, the Sycamore Close resurface is scheduled to take place between 8- 10th October. The Clerk gave residents of the Close a heads up a couple of weeks ago.
  • Following S106 approval from BC on 3rd August, for the burial ground carpark extension, the Rec, who are project managing this work, are still waiting on a final quotation. It was hoped works would commence at the end of September, but this has clearly been pushed back.
  • Regarding the request on behalf of residents of Littlecote Lane, to see if a roadside mirror could be erected for the Dunton Road, opposite the exit from Littlecote Lane, Highways have confirmed the Highway Authority do not accept mirrors to compensate for substandard visibility saying they can be damaged or removed, and they can portray an inaccurate picture of oncoming traffic, in terms of speed and distance. They concluded there is no substitute for unobstructed line-of-sight, and any mirrors placed upon highway land would not be supported.
  • PCSO, Joshua Walton-Taylor, attended the last Coffee Morning to let Parishioners “have their say”. He plans to hold more of these sessions and will be liaising with the Village Hall on dates. He also plans to attend the Stewkley Drop in event on 5th November.
  • Repairs have been authorised for the Dove Street bench and it is hoped these will be carried out in the next few weeks.
  • The knocked over speed sign on the Wing Road, reported on 15th Aug, has now been removed.
  • A follow up email has been sent to the BC Passenger Transport Team regarding a potential two new bus stop points on the lampposts outside the St Michael’s estate either side of the Soulbury Road, for routes into LB and MK. The Officer had previously agreed to do a site visit mid-Sept.

6. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 4th September 2023

The draft minutes were approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman. Proposed: Cllr Bottomley Seconded: Cllr Delafield / Agreed unanimously

7. Planning
23/02690/APP – Stewkley
The Croft, 22 Wing Road, Stewkley LU7 0JB
Cllrs resolved unanimously to SUPPORT this planning application.
23/02695/VRC – Stewkley Mount Pleasant Farm, Dunton Road, Stewkley LU7 0LU
Cllr resolved unanimously to SUPPORT this planning application. Finally on planning, the Chair confirmed that Stewkley Road East has been approved.

8. Enforcement Issues As referenced in the Clerks Update, it was re-iterated that whilst improvements have been made in respect of 74 High Street South, it remains quite an eyesore. The Clerk was asked to reach back out to Enforcement expressing the PC’s unhappiness. Action Clerk

9. Finance

a) To approve the October payment run as circulated:

SPC payments october 2023

b) To approve the Accounts to 30th September 2023 as circulated

The payment run and accounts were unanimously supported by all Cllrs.

10. Insurance Renewal

Cllrs resolved unanimously to SUPPORT the Parish Council insurance renewal as previously circulated by the Clerk.

11. Community Fund Application

With a total project score of 19.5, Cllrs resolved unanimously to APPROVE the full funding request of £500 from the 1st Stewkley Scout Group to go towards the annual village firework event.

12. Recreation Ground

Minutes of the last Recreation Ground Management Committee and Community Sports Club Committee were uploaded to Dropbox for Cllrs information.

13. Highways, Footpaths, and Lighting

  • The Clerk was asked to see if she could obtain an update on the deteriorating High Street South footpaths and when we might see some repairs. Action Clerk
  • Cllr Arthur referenced the current lighting project and confirmed that Sparkx are due out on a site visit this coming week which will be followed up with a “highest priorities” plan of action, and agreed dates, to cover a mixture of electrical components, covers, and replacement columns. An article will also be written for the Grapevine to share with parishioners the electrical improvements that have been made in the village and further projects on the Parish Council’s radar for the New Year. Action Cllr Arthur

14. To report on meetings attended

• Meetings were held with the Traffic Working Group, the NBPPC and the Community Transport Bus Project. Reports on each meeting were shared on Dropbox.

• With regard to the NBPPC, Cllr Morgan confirmed she was now leading on member communications for the group.

15. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Monday 6th November 2023 at The Village Hall. The Chair confirmed the meeting closed at 20:56