MINUTES Parish Council meeting Monday 2nd December 2024
Minutes of the Stewkley Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 2nd December 2024 at 7.30pm at the Stewkley Village Hall
Cllr Keith Higgins (Chair), Cllr Gill Morgan, Cllr Andrew Arthur, Cllr Brian Bottomley, Cllr Phil Delafield, Cllr Henry Hunt, Cllr Andrew Pryke, Cllr Virgilio Simeone and Joanna Simonds, Clerk & RFO.
There was 1 member of public (MoP) in attendance up to and including Open Forum
1. To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Joanne Locke.
2. To receive any declarations of interest on this evening’s agenda
No declarations were received.
3. Open Forum
A MoP referenced previous talk of the owner of the Swan pub attending a PC mtg to share their proposed intentions for the pub. Aware this didn’t happen, he added that the pub has now fenced an area off, presumably with the intention of doing something. The Chair confirmed the new owner had been invited to attend a PC meeting, having previously indicated a desire to do so, but declined to attend, and to date, no planning application has been submitted.
Related to the pub now being operational, and recent events at the Village Hall, the same MoP mentioned that on a few occasions lately, people have not used common sense with their parking, making pulling out of his drive very difficult. He asked whether Highways could provide any markers on the road. The Chair advised the MoP he could apply to Buckinghamshire Council for Access Protection Markings, although did point out that we are repeatedly advised that they are only indicative and cannot necessarily be enforced. Cllr Morgan, who has these markings at her property, commented that people are generally quite respectful of them. The Clerk said that if the MoP dropped her an email, she would provide details on how to apply.
4. Update from Unitary Councillor, Phil Gomm on Buckinghamshire Council matters
Cllr Gomm emailed apologies. There was no update to report.
5. Update from the Clerk on Parish matters
- The BKV results and the ASB survey link are both now displayed on our website.
- Good progress is being made on the High Street South footway resurfacing. Buckinghamshire Council say the work is scheduled for completion by Friday 10 January.
- New TVP posters have been received so are now published on all 4 noticeboards.
- Following Cllrs request for a call-in, the Upper Dean Farm planning application will be heard by the North Area Planning Committee on 4th December. The Chair and Vice-Chair will attend to represent the Parish Council.
- Thanks were expressed for the parishioner donation of a Christmas Tree, and also to Cllr Hunt who cut and collected the tree. As in previous years, a donation will be made to Cancer Research.
- The rotten wood on the four bus shelter roofs has now been replaced.
- Three faulty streetlights were reported in November, those being no 46 near the parked camper in High Street South, number 35 on HSN near Ivy Lane (opposite the Commemorative Garden), and number 71 at the entrance to Courtneidge Close.
- Unfortunately, Stockhall Cresent and Manor Drive hedge cutting could not take place as planned on 13th Nov as there were too many vehicles in the way. Once a new date is scheduled the Clerk will endeavour to inform residents that kerbsides need to be kept clear.
6. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Mtg held on Monday 4th November 2024
The draft minutes were approved and signed as a true record by the Chair.
Proposed: Cllr Morgan / Seconded: Cllr Pryke / Agreed unanimously
7. Planning
24/02242/APP – 54 Chappell Way, Stewkley
Cllrs resolved to OPPOSE this retrospective planning application for a large outbuilding (office) measuring 5.6m x 3.6m x 2.5m high in the garden adjacent to a neighbouring property (75cm from their fence). The adjacent property owner has put in an objection, and it is clear to see that the outbuilding could have been located on the other side of the garden where it would have no impact on neighbours. Cllrs concluded unanimously that the outbuilding should indeed be located on the other side of the garden and therefore resolved to OPPOSE the application.
24/03397/APP – 57 Dove Street, Stewkley
Following discussion, Cllrs concluded that this end of street house proposes extending the existing single storey to a two-storey block to accommodate a fourth bedroom. It also proposes a front porch and to demolish the existing rear conservatory. Given that the extension does not impact neighbours or have a detrimental effect on the street, Cllrs did not see an issue with the proposal. However, adding another bedroom requires 3 parking spaces within the site boundary (excluding single garages), and the proposal only shows two spaces. Cllrs recommended the Parish Council informs the Applicant that the PC, and BC, require 3 parking spaces on site (as per Neighbourhood Plan Policy STK6) and will Object unless this is amended prior to the Consultation Expiry Date of 11 December. Cllr Arthur said he would contact the applicant and request that they submit an amended drawing for upload to the planning port. Action Cllr Arthur
24/00815/APP – Land South of 20 Wing Road
Cllrs resolved to OPPOSE this planning application on the grounds that the Stewkley Neighbourhood Plan made an allocation for this site with another as co-joined sites for complementary planning applications (STK 3 Wing Road West). This application only addresses the development of one of the sites, which without the land provided by the second co-joined site has no space for visitor parking spaces. All visitor cars are forced to park on the Wing Road, a major entry road into the village. This presents a clear risk to all users of the Wing Road (pedestrians, cyclists and motorists) and contravenes Neighbourhood Plan policy STK 6 which requires all developments to provide adequate off-road parking spaces for visitors as well as residents.
A further planning application, a Variation of Condition 24/03544/VRC for Breach Farm, was received on 30th November, and therefore not listed on this evening’s agenda. Cllr Pryke was asked to review this application and make a recommendation to Cllrs in time for the Clerk to submit the PC’s comment in advance of the 27th December deadline. Action Cllr Pryke
8. Finance
To approve the December payment run as circulated:

Proposed: Cllr Arthur / Seconded: Cllr Pryke / Agreed unanimously
To approve the Accounts to 30th November 2024 as circulated
Proposed: Cllr Pryke / Seconded: Cllr Delafield / Agreed unanimously
To adopt the 2024 NALC Financial Regulations policy as circulated.
Further changes to the policy were required and so Cllrs resolved to defer this item.
To consider PC approval of the £991.75 shortfall in relation to the Tree and Wetland project. Cllrs resolved unanimously to approve up to an expenditure of £991.75, and Cllr Delafield confirmed that the project will commence in Q1.
9. Community Fund Application form
With a score of 17.5, Cllrs resolved to APPROVE the Brownies funding application of £345.
10. Community Projects
Cllr Bottomley updated that the Community Garden wall is currently being built and they are just checking on how much higher they would like the wall, versus how many bricks are left. Once the wall is completed that will provide the level for the pathway and Cllr Bottomley and the Chair are going to map out the pathway the PC want so that the week before Christmas, Charles Hill’s team will install edging all the way round. In the New Year, the surface will be laid. At this moment in time, the plan is for a compacted porous gravel. The next element after that will be the planting and the need to rally up volunteers to assist with tree planting.
11. Recreation Ground
The Chair flagged, just for information at this point, that the PC has been alerted to some significant upcoming costs for maintenance on the pavilion.
12. Housing Needs Survey
Following the formation of a working group consisting of Cllrs Morgan, Pryke and Delafield, a draft Stewkley specific Housing Needs survey was circulation for info and comment. Cllr Morgan commented that the survey quite rightly is very much focused on understanding those people in need of social housing, and what the Working Group tried to do is expand that into understanding housing needs for people in the village now, and not just those in need of social and affordable housing. The Working Group were thanked and Cllrs resolved to approve the submission and for the Clerk to share with Community Impact Bucks. Action Clerk
13. To approve the dates of the 2025 Parish Council Meeting
The 2025 meetings dates circulated by the Clerk were approved.
The next PC Meeting will be held on Monday 13th January 2025 at The Village Hall at 7.30pm.
In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission of Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media are excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
14. To resolve to close the meeting
The Chair confirmed the meeting closed at 20:59
15. To approve the circulated draft Council response pertaining to confidential parish development.
Whilst no comments were made in advance of the meeting, Cllr Pryke suggested that reference be made in our response to car parking. Cllrs agreed that Cllr Pryke will suggest a couple of additional sentences to the already drafted email and circulate to full Council for final approval. Action Cllr Pryke