MINUTES Parish Council Meeting 7th December 2020

Minutes Stewkley Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm 7th December 2020

Attendees: (Chair) Cllr Higgins, (Vice Chair) Cllr Morgan, Cllr Wodey, Cllr Burgess, Cllr
Arthur, Cllr Hunt, Cllr Pryke, Cllr Delafield, Cllr Bottomley, Clerk: Rob Mann and 1
member of the public.

1 Receive Apologies: to accept apologies for absence.
No apologies were received.

2 Open Forum:
No reports

3 Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: to declare any interests.
Cllr Wodey registered an interest in item 5. b).

4 To confirm the minutes of the previous SPC Zoom Meeting on 2nd November 2020.
The minutes were confirmed as an accurate reflection of the meeting.

5 Planning: To discuss planning applications and make recommendation.

a) Outline planning permission for the erection of a rural enterprise dwelling
Silkwell Stud Dunton Road Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0LS
20/04053/AOP | Expiry: 28 Dec 2020.
SPC decided to support the application with conditions.
Action – Cllr Pryke to formulate response for The Clerk to use in submission.

b) Erection of a garage.
40 Dunton Road Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0HZ
20/03612/APP | Expiry: Mon 28 Dec 2020.
SPC decided to support this application.

c) Naming of roads for St Michaels Park. Update Cllr Higgins.
Cllr Higgins reported that the development company for St Michaels Park intended to use
Buchanan and Chappell as road names and possibly to use Fennell as the name for a green
area in the development.

d) Garden walls, fences and the Conservation Area.
The Clerk reported that some sections of walls within the Conservation area has been altered
to widen gateways and for other purposes. Cllrs added their comments regarding finishes to
newly built walls, and walls in potentially dangerous states of repair.
Action – Cllrs Bottomley and Delafield to photograph sections of wall to inform SPC.
Cllr Pryke to examine the Council’s guidelines to establish rules and advise SPC.
Cllr Higgins to write article for GV to remind villagers about compliance with the Conservation
area rules.
Clerk to draft letter to ask owners of dangerous walls to effect repairs.

6 Finance

a) Budget Monitoring. To note. (see Dropbox).
The budget monitoring was noted.

b) Budget for 2021/22. To approve.
The budget document for 2021/ 22 was approved.
The three-year budget was approved as a working document.

c) AGAR Conclusion of review.
Return to normal timings for 20/21 AGAR To note.
The AGAR conclusion and certification was noted.

d) Publication of Report and comments of External Auditor External. To note.

7 To draw cheques, ratify BACS payments and to check accounts – to note (see Dropbox)
The accounts check by Cllr Delafield was noted.
Payments for November as shown below were agreed.

Stewkely Parish Council payments December 2020

8 Covid
Only one zone in the South of the village reported activity during the month of lockdown. Village
support network will continue.

9 To discuss correspondence received since last meeting.

a) Luton Airport – consultation update to note.
Cllr Morgan gave feedback on a meeting attended 3/12/20.
The new routes will have a minimal impact on Stewkley. Cllrs may wish to fill in the
consultation as individuals.

b) Precept approval by 31 Jan 2021 to note.
Cllr Higgins reminded the Council that BC intends to complete the Precept applications
earlier than in past years – by 31/1/21. This was noted

c) Enforcement. Update Cllr Higgins.
Cllr Higgins reported that the BC post holder for Planning, Warren Whyte will hold an online
meeting for discussion of planning and enforcement.
Action – All Cllrs to consider joining meeting Tues, 15 Dec 5-6pm
Clerk – to circulate meeting details.

d) Letter re. planting trees on SPC land.
Cllrs considered the request to plant more trees on SPC land. It was decided that there were
no more available spaces for tree planting. Most recently, trees have been planted on The
Spinney and in the past some trees were planted in Fishweir. Many trees are shown in the
outline plans for St Michaels Park.
Action – Clerk to write to thank the correspondent and pass on the Council’s decision.

e) Christmas tree Dec 2020.
Cllr Higgins asked The Clerk pass on the Parish Council’s thanks to Terry Brown for
providing the tree one more time. It was noted that this tradition has continued since 1998. A
member of the installation team is standing down this year after involvement for over 20
A donation of £100 to Cancer Research was agreed.
It was noted that this could be the last year a tree is available in this way.
Action – Clerk to write to Terry Brown.
Cllr Higgins to thank Terry Brown and the tree planting and decorating team in GV.

f) Play around the Parishes 2021.
Value for money was discussed and it was decided to book this event again in 2021.
Action – Clerk to organise booking the event.

10 Neighbourhood Plan: To receive an update from the steering group and agree any actions
Following discussion with David Waker, Cllr Morgan has learned that BC procedures are not yet
in place for the appointment for an external examiner. A shortlist of possible examiners will be
provided for SPC for their input. This could impact the chance of the Stewkley NP referendum
being held on the same day as the council local elections in May 2021.

11 Recreation Ground: To note any outstanding requirements and agree any actions;
No report. Rec committee restarts meetings this month.

12 Highways, Footways and Footpaths Lighting: Update and agree any actions arising.
a) Lighting. Update Cllr Arthur.
Cllr Arthur reported collation of historical information and building of a database
regarding the streetlights owned and managed by SPC. The database should form a ‘one stop
shop’ with information about past expenditure on the columns and components. It will also
give asset number, ages, and warranties. It was suggested that a company with a
maintenance contract could possibly adopt a QR code which would help the Council to track
and target expenditure.

Cllr Higgins reported that SPC has been asked to adopt the street lighting in St Michaels Park.
SPC agreed in principle with the adoption of the lights subject to the lights being of a
satisfactory standard to meet with BC requirements for adoption; agreement of a suitable
commuted sum for maintenance and renewal; a detailed proposal of locations.
He also reported that a lighting scheme for three lights at the entrance to St Michaels Park had
already been proposed including the removal of an existing column.
Separately, details have been advised of the relocation of the 30mph limit to a point near the
allotment entrance and the installation of a gateway feature.
The PC agreed that the new gateway feature should be white.
Action – Clerk to set out terms for the adoption of street lighting in ‘The Park’ and confirm the
colour of gateway.

b) TfB update Cllr Higgins.
Cllr Higgins reported that there had been delays in meeting with TfB representative
It is now possible to report damaged or faulty street signs to ‘FixMyStreet’.
*Responsibility for managing reports of damaged or faulty street signs was corrected after the
meeting from ‘FixMyStreet’ to ‘Streetnameplates’. Details to be passed via the Clerk.

13 Stewkley Wildlife Reserve: To discuss and authorise expenditure incurred or actions required;
No report.

14 Burial Ground: To discuss and authorise expenditure incurred or actions required.
Tarmac has been used to fill the worst potholes at no cost to SPC.
The Clerk reported on the recommendations of the Tier 1 Burial Ground Extension to monitor the
water levels and drift of the ground water by digging pits and recording over next winter. Also, to
start a dialogue with The Environmental Agency to ask what their recommendations would be as
the number of burials is low.
Action – Clerk to start dialogue with EA.

15 General Items: To report on meetings attended on behalf of the Parish Council and agree whether
to add items to the next agenda.
Cllr Higgins outlined the role, structure and priorities of the Community Board which replaces the
Local Area Forum.

  1. Health and Wellbeing
  2. Traffic and Road safety
  3. Environment
  4. Covid Recovery

Some areas which could be considered:
Development Impact, traffic calming, pavements, local Infrastructure, wellbeing of residents.
Action- All Cllrs to note the priorities and consider projects for SPC to apply for funding in the next financial
round of expenditure.
EW rail.
Road works are due to take place in the first quarter of 2021 on Bletchley and Mursley Rd in connection
with transport for EW rail.
Action – Clerk to invite a representative to discuss attendant issues at next meeting.

16 Date of Next Meeting. 4th January 2021