MINUTES Parish Council Meeting 6th December 2021
Minutes of a Meeting of Stewkley Parish Council held on Monday 6th December 2021 at 7.30pm at the Stewkley Village Hall
Present: Cllr Higgins (Chair), Cllr Morgan (Vice-Chair), Cllr Bottomley, Cllr Burgess, Cllr Delafield, Cllr Pryke, Joanna Simonds, Clerk & RFO. Four members of the public were present during Open Forum.
1. Apologies for absence
Cllr Arthur, Cllr Hunt, Cllr Simeone & Unitary Cllr Gomm
2. Declarations of interest
3. Open Forum
A parishioner mentioned some of the dark areas of the village, particularly highlighting the “runway” from Manor Drive to High Street. The Chairman confirmed the PC were very aware of the vandalised lights on the runway and the other dark spots in the village, but sadly along with our surrounding parishes, we are experiencing some contractor challenges of late. He confirmed however, that the PC do plan to rectify these lighting issues as soon as practically possible
John Flewin raised a few points:
- the villager who is looking after the new area in Dove Street, has put forward a proposal for erecting a solitary bee hotel on the side of the bus shelter, to be funded by the people that are sponsoring it. This will be installed as soon as possible.
- Martin Frampton has free of charge re-mown around the edge of the wilding area on Tiger Island and taken away some of the fallen tree.
- The Grapevine has agreed to sponsor red, white and blue hanging baskets for next year’s Jubilee, and both pubs have agreed to follow the colour scheme.
Prior to this evening’s meeting, the Chairman had circulated a helpful note capturing the main points of the 29th Nov meeting for the Jubilee Celebrations. He thanked Janette Eustace for taking on the role of coordinator, and Janette then ran through a number of potential costs that would need to be factored into the planning, the main priority being a marquee. Cllrs agreed to commit to a £250 deposit for a basic marquee and then to discuss additional funding at next week’s budget meeting.
Francis Caldwell, representing the applicant of Old Forge Farm; 21-04427/APP explained that the proposal is to replace the existing bungalow, which was recently granted certification, adding that the bungalow is in poor condition, and no longer viable to refurbish. This single skin building with structural issues, also has quite a lot of damp. The proposal is to build a replacement building further down closer to the front of the site and as part of the proposal, the stables adjacent will come down. A barn style dwelling, mainly single story, although with some first-floor accommodation, approx. 240 square meter footprint, quite similar in size to the bungalow and stables to be demolished. The bungalow still has some permitted rights that could be extended but the real issue is the quality of the accommodation. The client is a farrier and is building stables on site at the moment and it would be helpful for him and his family, to live on site, although he is not seeking an occupancy condition. Cllrs posed a few questions to Mr Caldwell, predominantly around why the size of the new build is much bigger, and justification for not rebuilding on the same footprint. The Chairman thanked Mr Caldwell for his input this evening and confirmed that Cllrs would discuss and vote on the application under item 5.
4. Update from Buckinghamshire Unitary Councillor, Phil Gomm
Received by email this evening:
- A few successful road resurfacing schemes have been completed in Stewkley North and a little in the South …all is subject to funding and I can assure you Stewkley gets its fair share.
- Remembrance Sunday was a fantastic event and a superb turnout ….well done to all.
- Planning Enforcement is on the BIG Agenda within Government so will keep you updated.
- HIGHWAYS 20 is Plenty proposal by Cllr Peter Cooper was not accepted at Full Council but Full Council did say and will always support 20 is plenty as an advisory unless supported by TVP. The Chief Constable was there and stated the same but I will discuss with you, as like me, he is keen on traffic calming measures.
- ROAD CLOSURES I’m already setting up a team of locals working with me, advising the traffic management teams including EWR where signs should go etc …its not easy explaining even with the maps in front of you and we know better ?
5. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 1st November 2021
Proposed: Cllr Bottomley
Seconded: Cllr Morgan
Agreed unanimously
6. Planning applications
21/04427/APP – STEWKLEY – Old Forge Farm, Dunton Road, Stewkley LU7 0LU
Following lengthy discussion, Cllrs resolved to OPPOSE this application on the following grounds:
- This application is not a replacement like for like. It is in a different location and not on the same footprint as the existing building.
- It is a very large new build, and therefore does not meet the conditions justified in its categorisation of an existing building.
- The nature of this build would make it one of the biggest houses in Stewkley and with the nature of the space, many more rooms could potentially be fitted in once built.
- This application sits outside our Neighbourhood Plan settlement boundary, and it being much larger than the existing building, our Neighbourhood Plan settlement boundary comes into play.
- This is the type of development we are trying to avoid happening in the fields around Stewkley, and for these reasons alone, Councillors STRONGLY OPPOSE this application. Proposed: Cllr Pryke / Seconded: Cllr Bottomley / Agreed unanimously
21/04331/ALB – STEWKLEY – 44 High Street South, Stewkley LU7 0HR
Cllrs resolved they had NO OBJECTIONS to this application Proposed: Cllr Higgins / Seconded: Cllr Pryke / Agreed unanimously
21/04341/APP – STEWKLEY – Manor Business Centre, High Street South, Stewkley
Cllrs resolved to SUPPORT this application
Proposed: Cllr Bottomley / Seconded: Cllr Delafield / Agreed unanimously
21/04460/APP – STEWKLEY – 187 High Street North, Stewkley LU7 0EX
Cllrs resolved to SUPPORT this application
Proposed: Cllr Morgan / Seconded: Cllr Bottomley / Agreed unanimously
21/04535/APP – STEWKLEY – 11 Walducks Close, Stewkley LU7 0JG
Cllrs resolved to SUPPORT this application
Proposed: Cllr Delafied / Seconded: Cllr Morgan / Agreed unanimously
21/04502/APP – STEWKLEY – 24 Dove Street, Stewkley LU7 0HT
Cllrs resolved they had NO OBJECTIONS to this application
Proposed: Cllr Delafield / Seconded: Cllr Morgan / Agreed unanimously
7. Finance
• To approve the December payment run as circulated
• To approve the Accounts to 31st October 2021
Proposed: Cllr Morgan
Seconded: Cllr Delafield
Agreed unanimously
8. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – June 2022
The Chairman referred to his notes on Dropbox and the earlier discussion during open forum.
He once again thanked Janette Eustace for putting her hand up for the co-ordinator role.
9. Play around the Parishes 2022
The Clerk advised on current date availability and Cllrs agreed Thurs 11th August was their first choice, with Fri 19th August as their second. The Clerk to confirm. Action Clerk
10. Neighbourhood Plan
- The Chairman confirmed that arrangements for next Tuesday’s thank you drinks are in place, and looking at current numbers, the Clerk was asked to cater for 25. Action Clerk
- Cllr Morgan confirmed she now has 35 boxes of the plan for distribution to all households. It was agreed that distribution should wait until the New Year.
- Cllr Morgan said she’d received an email from David Waker, advising that we have an obligation to advertise the publication of the result, confirming that the plan has been “made”, and also to confirm that the decision statement, examiner’s report and final version of the plan are filed with the Clerk. Cllr Morgan will confirm back to David Waker as necessary and email notification to the Clerk for publishing on the PC Notice Boards. Action Cllr Morgan/Clerk
11. New residents Welcome Day
Cllr Delafield invited Cllr Morgan to join him and Cllr Bottomley to meet up in the New Year to finalise a draft programme for presentation to full Council. Cllr Morgan was onboard with this suggestion and Cllr Delafield said he would get a meeting set up Action Cllr Delafield
12. Recreation Ground
The Chairman confirmed that the idea of a table tennis table had not received support, in particular from the tennis club. Support was however, received for the idea of a bike stand, and next steps will be to determine exactly what we propose and where it will be located. This will be investigated in the New Year. Action Cllr Morgan
13. Highways, Footpaths, and Lighting
- The Chairman and Clerk are meeting up with Highways tomorrow to get clarity on various hedges and devolved matters.
- Cllr Bottomley asked the Clerk to update BC that we have put another bin on the Bletchley Road which would need to be emptied on their weekly bin emptying. Action Clerk
- As a rural community, Cllr Delafield mentioned the lack of involvement with the police and questioned whether we could do something to encourage a little more community engagement with the village. The Clerk was asked to reach out and ask if somebody might join the occasional meeting, or at least provide an appropriate email update that could be read out at the meeting. Action Clerk
14. Stewkley Wildlife Reserve
A note from Alan Dickens was placed in Dropbox for Cllrs information, and Alan was thanked for all he does for the community.
15. To report on meetings attended
16. Date of next meeting
Monday 10th January 2022 at 7.30pm at The Village Hall
The Chairman wished everyone a Merry Christmas and confirmed the meeting closed at 22:08