MINUTES Parish Council Meeting 6th April 2021
Minutes Stewkley Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm Monday 6th April 2021
Attendees: (Chair) Cllr Higgins, (Vice Chair) Cllr Morgan, Cllr Wodey, Cllr Burgess, Cllr Arthur, Cllr Hunt, Cllr Pryke, Cllr Bottomley, Clerk: Rob Mann
and 5 members of the public.
1 Receive Apologies: to accept apologies for absence.
No apologies.
2 Open Forum;
No reports.
3 Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: to declare any interests.
No declarations of interest.
4 To confirm the minutes of the previous PC Meeting on 1st March 2021.
The minutes were approved as an accurate summary of the meeting.
No reports.
6 Finance;
a) Budget Monitoring. Clerk.
Budget monitoring report was noted as being a record of the accounts on 25/3/21.
The Clerk was asked to produce a monitoring sheet for 31/3/21.
b) It was noted that the Clerk had applied for and received a debit card but that under current financial regulations was unable to use the card.
c) Parish Devolution Payment £2951.45 – was noted
7 To ratify BACS payments and bank account and burial ground payments
The accounts check by Cllr Delafield was noted.
Payments as shown below were agreed.
8 Corona Virus Actions
a) To call for expenses from zone coordinators.
Action – Clerk to contact the zone coordinators and request reimbursement claims.
9 To discuss correspondence received since last meeting.
a) Footpath Maps.
A member of the public suggested using the PC noticeboards to display an updated, definitive map of the local footpaths to show circular walks.
Action Clerk to contact The Stewkley Walkers and offer space for an A4 map on each notice board. Also, to let the SW know that monetary claims against the Community Fund, for purchase and printing of the maps, would be welcomed by SPC.
b) Community Assets.
Cllr Morgan reported that the application to relist the Carpenters Arms as a community asset had been acknowledged. A 4–6-week period is likely before a decision will be made.
An application for The Swan to be listed as a community asset to follow.
c) Verges Dove St.
Cllr Arthur explained that the repair of the verges had not been completed satisfactorily.
Action – Cllr Arthur to follow up with VAHT.
d) Cllrs response to parishioners’ requests.
SPC decided that a response to correspondence should be made within 5 days – a Cllr should be allocated to respond. If not dealt with in the subsequent days, then the council Chair should handle the response within 10 days.
e) Call for Evidence – remote meetings.
Cllr Morgan to prepare a draft response to be circulated before deadline of 17th June.
10 Neighbourhood Plan: To receive an update from the steering group and agree any
Cllr Morgan commented that the work completed on the Stewkley Neighbourhood Plan would not be lost in the event of BC dropping the VALP. The consultant has said there may be a need to update the references.
11 St Michaels Park – To note communications;
Representatives from SPC have met with Dandara on 1/4/21.
Cllr Arthur spoke to contractors who had parked in Dove St. who then moved to the correct area.
Action – Cllr Higgins to circulate notes from the meeting to all councillors.
Action – Clerk to send letter to Dandara expressing disappointment with use of machinery before 7.30 on weekdays. Also, to point out the poor communication with neighbours to St Michaels Park. To ask for the phone number of the site manager to be circulated to neighbouring properties.
The offer by Dandara to transfer open space land to SPC was discussed.
Action Clerk – SPC to take advice from BMKalc.
Action Cllr Bottomley – To contact SEA to discuss.
Action Cllr Hunt – to improve direct communications with site manager and to keep The Clerk, Cllr Higgins, and Cllr Arthur looped in.
13 Recreation Ground: To note any outstanding requirements and agree any actions;
a) Sub-Group of Cllrs to agree terms of the annual grant.
Discussions to be held re. maintenance of trees, the new toilets, play areas and play equipment safety inspections.
Action – Clerk to communicate with SRGA treasurer after forthcoming elections.
14 Highways, Footways and Footpaths Lighting: Update and agree any actions arising;
a) Streetlights – update from subcommittee
No update.
Action Cllr Arthur – to provide update at next meeting.
b) Dog bin contract renewed 21/3/21 was noted.
c) Bletchley Rd Litter following ditching.
The litter, tyres and cones have been removed by BC. Thanks to vigilant villagers who reported the mess on ‘Fixmystreet’.
Further street sweeps have been organised to improve the look of the Stewkley streets even though The Best Kept Village competition has been cancelled.
d) EWR NBPCC call for interest in representation.
SPC decided not to join the above group. However, a representative had attended a meeting called by Greg Smith MP.
Action – Clerk to write to organisers and turn down offer to join.
14 Stewkley Wildlife Reserve: To discuss and authorise expenditure incurred or actions
Cllr Higgins – Photographs to be prepared for the noticeboards.
15 Burial Ground: To discuss and authorise expenditure incurred or actions required.
a) EA report conclusion on Burial Ground tier 1 report.
The EA decided that report was inconclusive. A level 2 survey is required to establish the flow of water in relation to a nearby pond. The cost of the survey is in excess of £10,000.
b) Next steps on planning extension.
SPC decided not to take the extension forward at this time.
Action Clerk – to archive the steps and reports made so far, in a folder in Dropbox, for future reference.
16 General Items: To report on meetings attended on behalf of the Parish Council and agree
whether to add items to the next agenda.
Date of next meeting. Parish Council by Zoom, Tuesday 4th May 2021.
Other Important dates:
Annual PC Meeting: 7.30 on Monday, 24th May 2021 Village Hall.
APM by Zoom 8pm Wednesday, 5th May 2021.
Action Cllr Higgins – Future meetings, risk assessments and arrangements to be discussed with VH committee.
Meeting closed 10.01 pm.