MINUTES Parish Council Meeting 4th January 2021

Minutes Stewkley Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm 4th January 2021

Attendees: (Chair) Cllr Higgins, (Vice Chair) Cllr Morgan, Cllr Wodey, Cllr Burgess, Cllr Hunt, Cllr Pryke, Cllr Delafield, Cllr Bottomley, Clerk: Rob Mann.

1 Receive Apologies: to accept apologies for absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr Arthur, Cllr Raven (BC), Cllr Ben Everitt (BC) and Ian Carter (TVP).

2 Open Forum:
No reports

3 Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: to declare any interests.
No interests declared.

4 To confirm the minutes of the previous SPC Zoom Meeting on 7th December 2020.
The minutes were confirmed as an accurate reflection of the meeting.

5 Planning: To discuss planning applications and make recommendation.

a) Erection of rear extension, loft conversion and garage rebuild and extension.
177 High Street North Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0EX
20/04118/APP |Expiry: Tue 05 Jan 2021.
SPC resolved to support.

b) CM/0062/20 Request for scoping opinion reg 15 Town and Country planning (environmental impact) Retrospective planning application for the erection of a portable office building Red Brick Farm LU7 0LU. Expiry Mon 4 Jan 21.
It was noted that stored waste material and the extended portacabin are visible from the road.
The addition of wheel washing equipment was welcomed.
SPC resolved to object.

c) Demolish existing farm shop building and replace with a new building
Planning Application. The Littlecote Soap Company Farm Shop Littlecote Farm Littlecote Stewkley Buckinghamshire MK18 3LN.
Requests for consultation Expiry Date Fri 15 Jan 2021
SPC resolved to support this application.

d) Soulbury Rd 20/00823. Progress to note.
SPC noted the recent comments on the application and resolved to object.
Action – Cllr Higgins to draft the objection.

It was noted that the following: “Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an existing residential dwelling. Kiln Home Farm Dunton Road Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0LU
20/03444/ACL.” had been permitted.

Action – Clerk. To remind the case officers that on sites which are remote or concealed, the Parish Council is unable to determine what types of development may be occurring.

6 Finance

a) Precept setting for financial year 21/22.
SPC resolved to keep the current precept charge at the 20/21 rate of £53.07 for a Band D Tax household.
Action – Clerk to inform Buckinghamshire Council.

b) Budget Monitoring. Clerk. To note (see Dropbox)
The budget monitoring was noted.

7. To draw cheques, ratify BACS payments and to check accounts – to note (see Dropbox)

The accounts check by Cllr Delafield was noted.
Payments as shown below were agreed.
Action – Clerk to check why 3 call out charges were made to repair a light on Dean Rd.

SPC payments January 2021

8 Corona Virus Action

Cllr Higgins expressed his thanks to the people of Stewkley who had supported each other over the Christmas period – especially those who are vulnerable.
It was noted that some of the volunteers had seen an upsurge in activity with shopping and fetching prescriptions as another lockdown period started.
Following advice from Wing surgery concerning the Covid 19 vaccination plans, it was agreed that the village support coordinators would be provided with the contact number of the NHS
coordinator based at Winslow vaccination centre in case residents needed transport to their appointment.
Action – Cllr Morgan to communicate the number via the coordinators’ WhatsApp group.

9 To discuss correspondence received since last meeting.

a) Christmas tree and lights – future planning.
Action – Cllr Wodey to discuss obtaining, transporting and erection of tree for Christmas 2021 with A. Dickens. Cllr Hunt offered to assist as a replacement team member if required.
SPC agreed to purchase replacement light sets nearer Christmas.

b) Elections.
Action – Clerk to add publicity materials to the noticeboard.
Action – Cllr Higgins to contact GV and suggest an article for the March edition to promote the elections for positions on the Parish Council.

10 Neighbourhood Plan: To receive an update from the steering group and agree any actions
The completion of the consultation period was noted.

11 Recreation Ground: To note any outstanding requirements and agree any actions;
No report.

12 Highways, Footways and Footpaths Lighting: Update and agree any actions arising.

Cllr Higgins reported on the current situation. It was noted that the footpath outside the school is logged for repair. To take place at a time when the school is not in use. The proposal for replacement of the flashing, crossing lights could prove expensive if a new power supply is required.
The lighting sub-committee will plan to meet to discuss outstanding lighting matters and make some recommendations for the council to move forward with these projects.

13 Stewkley Wildlife Reserve: To discuss and authorise expenditure incurred or actions required;
No report.

14 Burial Ground: To discuss and authorise expenditure incurred or actions required.
No report.

Cllr Burgess drew attention to an application to modify conditions for a waste management site in Cublington. However, it was felt that this is a matter for Wing PC: Stewkley PC was not consulted.
The PC expressed disappointment that Vernon Loo (EWR Consultant) was not able to attend his meeting.
Action – Clerk to invite VL to next meeting and ask if he can respond in writing to questions from SPC particularly with respect to 24/7 road closures.
Also, to contact Stewkley Walkers re planned closures of Right of Way footpaths and EWR works.
Meeting closed 8.49pm

16 Date of Next Meeting. 1st February 2021