MINUTES Parish Council Meeting 2nd November 2020
Minutes Stewkley Parish Council Meeting held on Zoom, 7.30pm
Monday, 2nd November 2020
Attendees: (Chair) Cllr Higgins, (Vice Chair) Cllr Morgan, Cllr Pryke, Cllr Delafield, Cllr Wodey, Cllr Burgess, Cllr Arthur, Cllr Hunt, Cllr Bottomley, Cllr B Everitt (BC) Clerk: Rob Mann and representative of SEA.
1 Receive Apologies: No apologies for absence received.
2 Open Forum:
A report on the grass cutting activities was received from the organiser of Stewkley Enterprise
The grass cutting in 2019/20 had been more seasonally based but 10 mows had been achieved
despite a slow growing spring and early summer. Some equipment maintenance will be required
including engine repairs to one mower.
Action – Cllr Bottomley to discuss the mowing at the junction of Dove St and Manor Drive with
To produce revised work schedule for next Linksman.
Action – Clerk and Cllr Bottomley note of thanks to SEA mowers to GV.
Cllr Everitt commented that the work of BC Planning team was to be refocussed. The intention is
to improve decision making, consistency of decisions, and to respond to requests in a more timely
and informative manner.
Cllr Everitt also reported on the current corona virus figures: 160 cases per 100,000 in population
and told the PC of the Council’s aim to ensure Buckinghamshire is put in the correct tier at the end
of lockdown.
Action – Clerk to add PCSO report to Dropbox
3 To confirm the minutes of the previous PC Meeting on 5 Oct 2020.
a) The minutes were confirmed as a true record of the meeting.
b) Councillors approved the proposal to cease Delegated Powers and return to normal
decision making.
4 Declaration of interest in items on the agenda;
No items declared.
5 Planning: To discuss planning applications and make recommendation.
a) Determination as to whether prior approval is required in respect of transport & highway
impact, noise, contamination risk, flooding and locational considerations for the conversion of
agricultural barn into three dwellinghouse (Class Q(a)) and in relation to design and external
appearance of the building (Class Q(b).
Upper Dean Farm Dean Road Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0EU
20/03313/COUAR Expiry: 24 Nov 2020.
Stewkley Parish Council resolved to object to this application.
Action – Cllrs Morgan and Pryke to formulate wording for objection.
b) Removal of existing conservatory and replacement with single storey rear extension, garage
conversion and internal alterations.
42 High Street North Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0EW
20/03519/APP Expiry Date: 12 Nov 2020.
SPC resolved to support this application.
c) Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an existing residential dwelling
Kiln Home Farm Dunton Road Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0LU
20/03444/ACL Expiry Date: Tue 10 Nov 2020.
Stewkley Parish Council Meeting
SPC resolved to object to this application.
Action – Cllr Higgins to prepare wording for submission by The Clerk.
d) Single storey rear link extension and conversion of outbuilding.
Masons Cottage Soulbury Road Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0HW
20/03625/APP | Expiry Date: Fri 20 Nov.
SPC resolved to support this application.
e) Planning enforcement –
Cllr Higgins expressed disappointment at the lack of progress with issues raised for
enforcement. Communication and response times have been poor. Cllr Everitt had explained
some of the probable causes in Open Forum.
Action – Cllr Higgins to contact our BC councillors with a list of enforcements for follow up.
f) Dismissal of appeal APP/J0405/W/20/32 – Land behind 28 Dunton Rd.
6 Finance
a) Budget Monitoring. Clerk.
The budget monitoring report was noted.
Action – Clerk to separate out the financial details of the playground and toilet project in future
budget monitoring reports.
b) The budget setting report was noted.
Action – All Cllrs to consider the detailed 3-year proposal – to be reviewed for approval at
December PC meeting prior to precept setting.
7 To draw cheques, ratify BACS payments and to check accounts – to note (see Dropbox)
The accounts check was satisfactory, and the burial ground payment check was satisfactory.
List of invoices for October below:
8 SPC Response to Corona Virus;
a) The latest lockdown was noted. Recent responses from volunteers indicated that the system
is still in place. New ‘Here to Help’ signs have been mounted on the noticeboards.
9 To discuss correspondence received since last meeting.
a) Remembrance Day arrangements – latest guidance awaited. Most recent plan is a solitary
bell to be rung in St Michael’s followed by socially isolated, wreath laying. 2 minutes silence
at 11am then continuation of bell ringing. Barriers and stop signs to be available if road
closure is required. Risk assessment and Covid precautions taken – noted.
b) PCSO feedback on communications – report received from PCSO – noted.
Action: Clerk to contact PCSO re Remembrance.
c) Sessions re Luton Airport flight path consultation: 3/12 10-11am; 5/1 11-12am.
Action – Cllr Morgan to attend session 3/12/20 at 11am.
d) St Michael’s School Governors’ meeting: points for discussion.
20s Plenty for Stewkley;
Yellow lines outside school;
Pavement issues, trips and falls;
10 Neighbourhood Plan: To receive an update from the steering group and agree any actions
Awaiting confirmation of definitive date for public consultation (possibly 9th Nov 2020 unless
delayed by lockdown).
Action: SPC – to assist with advertising for 6-week consultation period. Banner to be placed
outside VH if consent is received. Advertising on noticeboards, website, and Facebook.
11 Recreation Ground: To note any outstanding requirements and agree any actions;
a) Completion of back-filling for toilet project: this is delayed due to wet ground following recent
heavy rains.
12 Highways, Footways and Footpaths Lighting: Update and agree any actions arising.
a) Grass – Cutting
Action-Cllr Bottomley to meet with SEA in the new year to decide on best areas to allow
wildflower growth and changes to mowing regime. BKV and villagers to be informed with signs
to explain actions.
b) Lighting project
Action – Cllr Arthur: To take lead role and arrange subgroup meeting for next steps in lighting
Clerk: to pass on relevant information.
c) Action – Cllr Higgins: to check if ‘Fix my Street’ accepts reports for broken signs Stockhall
13 Stewkley Wildlife Reserve: To discuss and authorise expenditure incurred or actions required;
Purchase of seeds for reserve and petrol for mower totalling £266.13 was approved.
14 Burial Ground: To discuss and authorise expenditure incurred or actions required.
Cllr Higgins is still progressing the provision of tarmac for the holes in the burial ground car park.
Green bin in Burial Ground Carpark overflowing.
Action – Clerk: to investigate whether bin has been emptied as per schedule.
15 General Items: To report on meetings attended on behalf of the Parish Council and agree whether
to add items to the next agenda.
The suggestion by Dandara of ‘St Michaels Park’ as the marketing name for the Soulbury Rd
development was welcomed by the PC.
Final day for resident’s suggestions for road names 13/11/20.
Action – Clerk: send names to Dandara.
Meeting closed 9.46pm.
16 Date of Next Meeting. 7th December 2020.