MINUTES Parish Council Meeting 1st November 2021
Minutes of a Meeting of Stewkley Parish Council held on
Monday 1st November 2021 at 7.30pm at the Stewkley Pavilion
Present: Cllr Higgins (Chair), Cllr Morgan (Vice-Chair), Cllr Bottomley, Cllr Burgess, Cllr Delafield, Cllr Hunt,
Cllr Pryke, Cllr Simeone, Joanna Simonds, Clerk & RFO and Unitary Cllr Gomm. Three members of the
public were present, just for Open Forum.
Apologies for absence
Cllr Arthur
Declarations of interest
Open Forum
John Flewin raised a few points:
• With June being the month the Best kept village judges come round, could thought be given to some
sort of environmental permanent feature in the village in remembrance of the Queen’s Jubilee.
• We now have three wilding flower areas; one at the bottom of Dove Street and one at the top of
Tythe Close, both maintained by individuals who live close by, and already rich in flowers. The third
is on Tiger Island and John thanked the Chairman and Unitary Cllr for helping spread seed last week.
• A broken branch came down at the weekend and will need to be removed. Cllr Gomm suggested
we request a full tree survey of all the trees located on Bucks verges. Action Clerk
• All trees in Tiger Island will soon be labelled stating what they are and when they were planted.
• Cllr Bottomley confirmed John’s Tiger Island story on the history tour is now available on the website.
Update from Buckinghamshire Unitary Councillor, Phil Gomm
• The gully cleaner has been around most villages in the Ward. Not all drains were looked at but 90%
of Stewkley’s were cleaned. Any reports of overflowing, please let Cllr Gomm know.
• Planning enforcement measures continue to be monitored.
• Attended a helpful and interesting meeting with the Chair, Vice-Chair and Dandara Site Foreman
last Monday, and plan to keep dialogue going and to use Dandara for more things, including appetite
to get a proper crossing/more traffic calming and maybe improve the entrance coming into the Rec.
• Funds remain available in the Community Board. The Chairman said the PC are considering
applications for a table tennis table, a bike rack, and resurfacing of the burial car park. Cllr Gomm
asked whether Friendship Sheds were of interest. The Chairman to raise this with the Headmaster.
• Bucks has seen a serious rise in the increase of Covid cases.
• A big project is underway in Adult Social Care focusing on abuse and neglect within the community.
• Angela MacPherson and Gareth Williams are deputising whilst Martin Tett takes some time off.
• Visited the Wing Road possible new development and have requested a meeting.
To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 4th October 2021
Proposed: Cllr Morgan / Seconded: Cllr Bottomley / Agreed unanimously
Planning applications
21/03923/APP – 1A Tythe Gardens, Stewkley LU7 0HF
Cllrs resolved to SUPPORT this application
Proposed: Cllr Delafield
Seconded: Cllr Hunt
Agreed unanimously
21/0345/APP – Upper Dean Farm, Dean Road, Stewkley LU7 0EU
Following lengthy discussion, Cllrs resolved to OPPOSE this application on the following grounds:
(i) The barn was built in 2003 and therefore does not meet the requirements for conversion (minimum
20 years old) under Class Q; (ii) the development of 3 dwellings falls outside the Settlement Boundary
of the Stewkley Neighbourhood Plan and therefore does not comply and (iii) the barn will require a
rebuild not a conversion therefore falls outside Class Q, as clearly explained in the COUAR conditions.
Proposed: Cllr Pryke
Seconded: Cllr Morgan
Agreed unanimously
To approve the November payment run as circulated
Proposed: Cllr Delafield
Seconded: Cllr Morgan
Agreed unanimously
To approve the Accounts to 30th September 2021
Proposed: Cllr Bottomley
Seconded: Cllr Delafield
Agreed unanimously
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – June 2022
Following a good attendance at this evening’s 7pm exploratory meeting, the 29th Nov was agreed as the
next date to gather key groups and interested individuals to properly kick-start the project.
Remembrance Sunday
The Chairman confirmed he would be laying a wreath on behalf of the PC, and Cllr Gomm on behalf of
Buckinghamshire Council. This year the young groups will walk in procession from the burial car park
to meet the flag bearers at the church, meaning for a couple of hours we will need to shut off the burial
car park. Notices to be put up at the car park and on Facebook. Action Chairman/Cllr Morgan
Neighbourhood Plan
Following the brilliant Referendum result, a small gift was presented to Neil Dickens, and for others that
played a part, the suggestion is to host a modest “drinks and nibbles” thank you in the Village Hall,
before Christmas. Cllrs voted on a maximum budget spend of £500.
Proposed: Cllr Simeone
Seconded: Cllr Delafield
Agreed unanimously
It was also proposed the PC provide a printed “Parish Edition” of the NP document for every household
in the parish. The cost to produce this would be £1,280 which includes an extra page to cover certain
items the Heritage working group would have liked included. Cllrs voted to set a £1,300 budget.
Proposed: Cllr Higgins
Second: Phil Delafield
Agreed unanimously
Volunteer Medical Transport Team
Rod MacLean has been appointed as coordinator with a dedicated email address and mobile phone.
New drivers will need to be recruited and DBS checked by Community Impact Bucks, free of charge.
Lawn Cemetery gates
Robert Goss will look at the sticking gates as soon as he is able to.
Spar shop conversion enforcement progress
This item was discussed outside the minutes earlier during Cllr Gomm’s update.
Recreation Ground
• Table Tennis table
Cllr Bottomley has now summarised a proposal for a permanent table tennis table outside with a
foundation. The location will need to be agreed with the Rec Committee but the suggestion is
between the tennis courts and the kick-board. Cllr Bottomley to email the latest version to the
Chairman and Cllr Morgan in advance of the next Rec Mtg on 10th Nov. Action Cllr Bottomley
• Bike rack
Cllr Morgan referenced her proposal document for a 4/5 holding bike rack which could be located at
the Rec. The idea would be to have just 4 or 5 racks, specifically designed and tailored to the right
size and shape. Cllr Morgan will put this to the Rec Committee at the next meeting and if they are
in agreement, will look to get a design spec, and then potentially get an application in to the
Community Board for funding before the end of March. Action Cllr Morgan
Highways, Footpaths, and Lighting
Lighting – at the last meeting, Cllrs discussed trialling Aylesbury Mains to take over some of the works
from Sparkx, but sadly they have gone into liquidation, not having had enough business during Covid.
They have sold off their business to Forde and McHugh Ltd, based in Newport Pagnell
Cllr Morgan referenced the Wing Neighbouring Mtg that she and Cllr Delafield attended, and said that
Wing, Slapton and Mentmore were all using Aylesbury Mains, so suggested the Clerk drop the Wing
Clerk an email to see what their thoughts are on who they may use going forward and if a common
approach might be worth looking at. Action Clerk
Stewkley Wildlife Reserve
To report on meetings attended
Cllrs Delafield and Morgan attended the Wing Neighbouring Parishes meeting where a number of
interesting topics were discussed, including:
Electricity supplies and trying to get better pricing by joining forces; Lighting contractors; Tree
inspections; Grass cutting and devolved services; Allotments; Youth councils; Speed initiatives; Wing’s
handy person who could potentially be shared around the parishes; and Playground inspections and
facilities for disabled children. It was a useful meeting and the Clerk was asked to put the summary note
on Dropbox Action Clerk
The Chairman listened in on the Planning and Enforcement meeting, the main takeaways being:
• They still have many vacancies, and over the last 12 months have seen unprecedented numbers of
planning applications. Both of these factors have resulted in extended determination deadlines.
• There is uncertainty around the Buckinghamshire Local Plan, and they are now working on the
premise to have a Local Plan in place for the whole council area by April 2025.
• Experiencing teething problems with their new consultation system software (Opus consult).
• On enforcement, they have 1,500 cases in hand, with 450 new cases being reported each quarter.
• Lots of discussion around whether on-line planning comments would continue to be visible, following
the revised guidance entitled ‘Planning and GDPR’.
• BC have been awarded funding of £70k to develop a Local Heritage List for Buckinghamshire.
• Enforcement will now be a legal consultee for all retrospective planning applications.
Date of next meeting
Monday 6th December 2021 at 7.30pm at The Village Hall.
To agree the dates for the 2022 PC meeting
Cllrs unanimously approved the schedule of dates prepared by the Clerk
The meeting closed at 21:20