MINUTES Annual Parish Council meeting Monday 9th May 2022
Minutes of the Annual Stewkley Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 9 th May 2022 at 7.30pm at the Stewkley Village Hall
Cllr Keith Higgins (Chair), Cllr Gill Morgan (Vice-Chair), Cllr Brian Bottomley, Cllr Margaret Burgess,
Cllr Henry Hunt, Cllr Andrew Pryke, Cllr Virgilio Simeone, Joanna Simonds, Clerk & RFO,
4 members of the public for part of the meeting
1. To elect a Chair
Cllr Morgan proposed Cllr Higgins as Chair. This was seconded by Cllr Bottomley and
unanimously agreed. There being no further nominations, Cllr Higgins was re-elected as Chair
and signed his declaration of acceptance.
2. To elect a Vice-Chair
Cllr Burgess proposed Cllr Morgan as Vice-Chair. This was seconded by Cllr Pryke and unanimously agreed. There being no further nominations, Cllr Morgan was re-elected as Vice-
3. To appoint representatives to outside bodies as follows:
NBPPC – Cllr Morgan, with Cllr Pryke stepping in when necessary
Rec Committee – Cllrs Higgins, Morgan and Simeone
Village Hall – Cllr Burgess
4. To appoint sub-committees/working groups as follows:
Traffic – Cllrs Delafield, Bottomley and Simeone
Streetlighting – Cllrs Arthur, Bottomley and Delafield
Wildlife Reserve – Cllr Hunt
Spinney – Cllr Higgins
Enterprise – Cllr Bottomley agreed to continue
5. Apologies for absence
Cllr Phil Delafield and Cllr Andrew Arthur
6. Open Forum
Residents of Sycamore Close were disappointed that their pre-arranged meeting with Cllr Gomm,
was cancelled at short notice. The purpose of that meeting was to raise with him directly the poor
state of the Sycamore Close Road and explore whether there might be any opportunity for some
blue badge parking. Residents will try to secure a new date with Cllr Gomm, and in the meantime,
the Chairman said he would raise the state of the road when he next speaks with Cllr Gomm.
7. Declarations of interest
8. Update from Buckinghamshire Unitary Councillor, Phil Gomm
Cllr Gomm was not in attendance
9. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 4th April 2022
The draft minutes were approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.
Proposed: Cllr Bottomley / Seconded: Cllr Morgan / Agreed unanimously
10. Planning applications
22/01403/APP – STEWKLEY
Old Forge Farm
Cllrs resolved to OPPOSE this application on the grounds that it is not a direct replacement on the
same site as the existing building and as it is a much larger footprint than the existing building,
then it would have to be considered a new build which contravenes the Stewkley Neighbourhood
policy. Proposed: Cllr Pryke / Seconded Cllr Bottomley / Agreed unanimously
22/01400/APP – STEWKLEY
55 High Street South, Stewkley
After lengthy discussion, Cllrs resolved to reach out to the applicant and try to gain a better
understanding of the crossover they’ve asked for. Action Chairman/Cllr Pryke
11. Enforcement Issues
Cllrs had observed that despite having been served notice, none of the materials, waste or portaloo’s have been cleared from 74 High Street South.
Another month on we are still awaiting a response to our 24 th Feb letter to the Head of Enforcement regarding the Land off Dean Road. The Clerk has sent numerous follow up emails but despite promises of a reply, nothing has been received to date. Associated with that, we had an application for a builder’s yard at the front of that site, which we objected to, and referred to it in our 24th Feb letter. That application has since been withdrawn so it is no long a change of use application for a builder’s yard; the builder’s yard is still there.
12. Finance
• To approve the May payment run as circulated
Proposed: Cllr Morgan
Seconded: Cllr Bottomley
Agreed unanimously
• To approve the 2021-22 Year End Accounts – Agreed unanimously
• To agree and sign the Annual Governance and Accounting Statement for the year ended 31st
March 2022 – Agreed unanimously
• To agree the dates Monday 13th June 2022 to Friday 22nd July 2022 for Notice of Public Rights
and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return – Agreed
13. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – June 2022
An update was received on each of the day’s activities, paying particular attention to:
• The need for a Master of Ceremony to make the opening introductions on the Thursday from
7.30pm. Cllr Bottomley kindly volunteered his services to do this. The same also being
needed for the Saturday, Chris Mills kindly confirmed he would undertake this role.
• On the Friday, looking for a volunteer to mind the Village Hall whilst the History Group
exhibition is on, just to make sure the Village Hall is safe and to keep an eye on things.
• Would appreciate help spreading the word about the afternoon tea and, also the “Stewkley –
The Queens Platinum Jubilee 2022” FB event page that Dan Chapman, has kindly set up.
• Thought is being given to a Buddy system, whereby people who request afternoon tea home
deliveries, don’t have to eat alone; again, volunteers are needed if this is to work.
• Helpers required for the Saturday; AM to set up and PM to dismantle.
• Looking for a village organisation to sell ice creams. With the aim being to keep costs as low
as possible for families, the plan is to get hold of a chest freezer and buy in our own ice creams.
Cllr Hunt kindly offered the use of a chest freezer.
The Chairman thanked Janette for her update and for the wonderful work she is doing.
• To agree next steps on the Community Garden Stewkley Wall
The Stewkley Wall plans for the Jubilee Garden are progressing, and thanks were paid to
Charles Hill and his mini digger who made light work of clearing the site. The next stage is to
consider draft plans and agree what the commemorative garden might look like. Planning
and conservation area consent will likely be required, so enquiries are being made and a
Jubilee plaque has been ordered with the sign maker.
14. Best Kept Village
Nothing to report
15. Play around the Parishes – 25th August 2022 – 2-4pm
Other than putting the date in the Grapevine diary, Cllr Morgan confirmed there was nothing further
for the PC to do, and that the event would now transfer to the Rec. Regarding a group to do the
tea/coffee refreshments on the day, Sally Shefferd kindly suggested that the Clerk email her the
date and she would check whether the Brownies might be able to do this. Action Clerk
16. Recreation Ground
• Cllr Simeone advised that there is a protective cap missing off one of the adult gym pieces of
equipment and needs replacing before any of the painting can be done.
• The Chairman asked that a big thank you be recorded in the minutes to Rob Wright for welding
the damaged part of the adult gym.
• Being an asset, we’d like to protect, Cllrs agreed to Cllr Simeone’s suggestion of painting all
the equipment. The Chairman and Cllr Morgan will run this by the Rec Committee. Action
Chairman/Cllr Morgan
17. Highways, Footpaths, and Lighting
• Cllr Arthur is in touch with Dandara to check when the new lights in Soulbury Road will go live,
and separately, the Chairman is liaising with them on the adoption of the 5 lighting columns.
• The 30mph sign on Soulbury Road has been moved and is now painted on the road
• Cllr Gomm has been in discussion with the planners regarding Wing Road East and the traffic
calming. Following an exchange last week, we sent in some MVAS data from just outside the
Carps showing that between 12 and 15% of vehicles coming in, exceed the speed limit.
• May need to put some signs up to show villagers which verges we are planning to leave to
grow wild, as some residents may think they look untidy and innocently take it upon
themselves to mow the area.
18. Stewkley Wildlife Reserve
An excellent report was provided by Alan Dickens and read out at the earlier Annual Parish
19. To report on meetings attended
Nothing to report
20. Date of next meeting
Monday 6th June 2022 at The Village Hall.
The Chairman confirmed the meeting closed at 21:43