February 2020 Parish Council Minutes

Minutes Stewkley Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm, Monday 3rd February 2019

Attendees: (Chair) Cllr Higgins, (Vice Chair) Cllr Morgan, Cllr Pryke, Cllr Delafield, Cllr Smith, Cllr Wodey, Cllr Burgess, Cllr Pragnell Cllr Bottomley, Clerk: Rob Mann and 2 members of the public.

1 Receive Apologies: There were no apologies for absence.

2 Open Forum:
A report was given on the progress of the playground and toilet project. Grant funding of £70K has been secured for the playground project. This funding is adequate for most of the chosen play equipment to be purchased. Quotes are being sought for the best supplier.
The optimal quote for the toilet has been selected and the order will be placed with Healthmatic for a cubicle with brick cladding and tiled roof. The cubicle will be provided with hot water. Following work by the structural engineer, the depth and specifications of the required foundations were established. Ground works will be outsourced to local builders and volunteers will be used to demolish the existing structure. The groundworks should begin when weather conditions improve.
The Parish Council offered its thanks to the organiser for the voluntary hard work and time that was given in the process.

3 Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: Cllr Pryke declared an interest in item 5.a.

4 To confirm the minutes of the previous PC Meeting
The minutes of previous PC Meeting on 6th Jan 2020 were confirmed.

5 Planning: To discuss planning applications and make recommendation.
a) New entrance porch. Internal alterations to provide a self-contained apartment with ensuite. Replacement of two existing velux windows into dormer windows and an additional dormer window. Red Barn Farm Tythe Close Stewkley LU7 0HD
Stewkley Parish Council resolved to support this application.

b) Erection of gate set 6.8m from the existing entrance, estate fencing and replacement pedestrian gate along the front boundary.
22 High Street South Stewkley LU7 0HR
Stewkley Parish Council resolved to support this application.

c) Change of use of land from agricultural to campsite (retrospective)
Sunhill Farm Dunton Road Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0LT
Ref. No: 19/04187/APP Expiry Date Fri 21 Feb 2020.
Stewkley Parish Council resolved to object to this application. The campsite is not appropriate in a designated area of attractive landscape. The change of use will lead to the loss of good agricultural land.

6 Finance
a) Budget Monitoring. Clerk.
The budget monitoring report was noted. It was observed that the outturn was likely to be higher than in the budget projection made in October because of grants to the value of £10.5K; unused project funds and lower than expected street lighting costs. This expenditure is likely to be made early in the next financial year.
b) Additional payment of £40 + VAT for ‘20’s Plenty’ banners was noted and an additional request to a total of £205 was agreed for more robust signs.
c) Toilet in Recreation Ground – The contractor was confirmed.
Action: Clerk to send purchase order.

7 To draw cheques, ratify BACS payments and to check accounts

SPC payments January 2020

8 To discuss correspondence received since last meeting.
a) Red Brick Farm – Cllr Higgins gave an update of the discussions with Mitchell Pugh re. wheel washing and the entrance to Red Brick Farm.
Action: liaison group to convene a meeting with the operator.

b) Soulbury Rd development–meeting 31/1/20
Introductory meeting with Dandara. Some differences between the initial plan and the aspirations of Stewkley Parish as shown in previous consultations with villagers and in the developing Neighbourhood Plan.
It was noted that Dandara intend to submit plans to ADVC by beginning of March. Dandara to arrange an open drop-in meeting for parishioners to see and comment on plans – Pavilion 3pm to 8pm 24 February 2020.

Actions: Clerk
Organise site visit for Cllrs to Dandara development in Haddenham.
Dandara to organise banner, if requested, to publicise event.
Action: Clerk to contact Dandara representative, Edward Butler-Ellis.
Book to capture comments from public attendees at meeting for SPC use.
Offer to publicise meeting on Parish Council notice boards and FB site.
Dandara encouraged to organise a leaflet drop to Stewkley Parish community to advertise meeting.

c) Donation to Wildlife Reserve in memory of Hugh Mellor- SPC noted the donation of £421 from the collection plate at Hugh Mellor’s funeral and wished to pass on their thanks to Mrs Mellor.
Action: Clerk send letter of thanks.

d) 75th anniversary VE day 8th May 2020 and grant. – The possibility of an event was
Action: Cllr Morgan to discuss with SRGA.

e) Elections due 7 May 2020.
Notice of election 31 March 2020.
Deadline for nominations by 4pm. 8th Apri.l
Clerk to add NALC information to website and send to Cllr Morgan to put on Facebook.
Cllr Higgins to draft intro for website to accompany election material.

9 Neighbourhood Plan: To receive an update from the steering group and agree any actions arising;
A verbal progress report was provided to the council as there had been little progress since the December update. The NPSG continues to work with the Southern Gateway sites to finalise the Plan policies, and the Plan itself is being updated as a result of the consultation comments.

10 Recreation Ground: To note any outstanding requirements and agree any actions;
It was noted that Rec Fest will not take place this year.

11 Highways, Footways and Footpaths Lighting: Update and agree any actions arising.
a) Memorial light mended by Western Power. No progress was noted on the bollards on other lighting problems.
Action Cllr Higgins to contact Sparkx for report.
b) It was noted that the broken styles reported in the minutes for 6/1/20 have been reported.
c) The Linksman has repaired the notice board that had had a loose upright.
d) 20’s Plenty for Us:
Cllr Higgins reported the fixture of a post for the SID at the front of St Michael’s School. Bin stickers have been distributed to many residents. Local firms with large vehicles that regularly pass through the village have been informed and asked to require that their drivers and those of their contractors comply.
The data from the recorded speeds from the Speed indicator Devices (SID) will be used to assess the impact of a trial period.
St Michael’s to be asked about contributing to future campaigns.
Public to be consulted on their impressions of the results of the campaign on the traffic.

12 Stewkley Wildlife Reserve: To discuss and authorise expenditure incurred or actions required;
Expenditure of £30 on betony seeds was approved for the wildlife area.

13 Burial Ground: To discuss and authorise expenditure incurred or actions required.
No reports.
14 General Items: To report on meetings attended on behalf of the Parish Council and agree whether to add items to the next agenda.
Cllr Bottomley gave a report on the Stewkley Parish Council Website following a meeting of Cllr Bottomley, Cllr Morgan and the Clerk.
The aim is to adjust the commentary to keep the website generic to prevent it from looking dated.
Action: Clerk to investigate the possibility of a Facebook link; to update other links and remove superfluous links.
Action: Cllr Morgan to arrange for aerial photographs of village to Cllr Bottomley.

Cllr Delafield to attend meeting with School Governors at 3.40pm, 5th March 2020.

Following discussions with Abbey Mill Homes Cllr Higgins opened a dialogue regarding ‘commuted sums’ for future maintenance of streetlights.
Action: Clerk to investigate amount per streetlight and to reply.

Meeting closed 9:50pm

15 Date of Next Meeting.
Monday, 2nd March 2020