Community based projects for 2017

Vote for your chosen project.

Four projects have been identified by your council that could be funded by existing funds in 2017. Vote for your preferred project, and help us prioritise our actions and the expenditure.


  • Join us at the Annual Parish Meeting  in the village hall on May 15th. A display of the projects will be available and councillors will be on hand to answer questions. Voting slips and a voting box will be available.
  • From May 6 to May 15, voting boxes and voting slips will be located at the following places:
    the shop; the Swan; the village hall lobby; the school; Fountains hairdressers; St Michaels Church; and the Methodist Chapel Hall
  • Email your vote to the parish clerk on

PROJECT 1: Have fun and get fit… adult gym equipment on the Rec.

As health and fitness are new engaging trends we would now like to locate a starter selection of challenging adult fitness equipment in the Rec, adjacent to the children’s play area. Initially we would site five assorted pieces there at a cost of £5,000 including installation. The equipment will range from cardio vascular to muscle toning and all-round core strengthening elements and enable parents to get fitter whilst watching their children play. Come on, you know your body is worth it!


PROJECT 2:  New street lighting throughout the village

Two years ago the lighting was updated using brighter bulbs, the light emitted vastly improved though the spread of the beam appeared to some to reduce and cause dark spots.  If you feel there is an area within the village which is causing limited visibility for pedestrians and/or drivers please identify.  Depending on the area/location, it does not always require a new lamp post if a suitable post/structure is already in situ.  Price for each newly installed light approximately £1,000-£1,200.  This project could be rolled out over several years.


PROJECT 3: Continuous hard path from the Soulbury Road car park at the Rec to the Ivy Lane car park

Linking the existing concrete paths, a hard wearing and long lasting path would be laid from the pavilion, following the line of St. Michael’s Close houses, to the path behind the church.  From here, walkers can proceed to High Street North or through the burial ground to the top of Ivy Lane.

Walking to school from the Soulbury Road area?  Parents and children could walk through the Rec on a hard, dry surface and meet the Lollipop lady near the junction of Ivy Lane and HSN. Use this path to walk easily between HSN and the Soulbury Road area;  avoid traffic and enjoy the seasonal beauty of the recreation ground.  At a later date and funds permitting, this path could be extended through the Rec to the top of the Ivy Lane car park.

Flexipath is the recommended solution, and it will not interfere with the grass cutting and maintenance of the Rec.  A path of 130 metres length by 1.5 metres wide would cost approx. £17,000.00.

The pictures below show Flexipath already used in public places close to Stewkley.  Perhaps you have been there and walked on it?  If so, let us know your thoughts!

PROJECT 4: Village gateways

Gateways will be placed on each of the five entry roads into the village (Wing Road, Soulbury Road, Bletchley Road, Dunton Road and Mursley Road) at the village boundary.  Not only are gateways known to have traffic calming impact, they make a welcoming entry point into the village.  Example images are shown – the final style has not been chosen.  The gates will cost approximately £5,000 plus labour costs for installation.