AGENDA Parish Council Meeting Monday 7th February 2022
To: Members of Stewkley Parish Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the Stewkley Parish Council Meeting on Monday 7th February 2022 at 7.30pm at Stewkley Village Hall
Press and Public are invited to attend
- To receive apologies for absence
- To receive any declarations of interest from Members on any item on this evening’s agenda
- Open Forum
- Update from the Buckinghamshire Unitary Councillor, Phil Gomm
- To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 10th January 2022
- Planning: To discuss planning applications and make recommendations of any planning applications received after this agenda is published, if urgent. 22/00145/APP – STEWKLEY The Old School, Chapel Square, Stewkley LU7 0HA
- Finance
- To approve the February payment run as circulated
- To approve the Accounts to 31st December 2021
- Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – June 2022 To provide any updates
- Neighbourhood Plan
To discuss re-arranging the date for the 14th Dec postponed Thank You event - New residents Open Day
To consider proposal circulated to Cllrs - Tennis Club Hut
To consider a request from the Tennis Club to replace their existing hut with a new one - Community Fund Application
To consider funding application received from the Stewkley Recreation Ground - Buckinghamshire Local Plan expected in 2025
SPC to consider providing input to the questionnaire survey - Recreation Ground: to report on any matters for the Council’s attention
- Highways, Footpaths, and Lighting: to report on any matters
- Wildlife Reserve: to report on any matters
- To report on meetings attended on behalf of the Parish Council
- To agree the date of the next PC meeting – Monday 7th March 2022