AGENDA Parish Council Meeting 4th May 2021
To members of the Council,
You are hereby invited to the Zoom Session of Stewkley Parish Council on Monday 4th May 2021 to be held on Zoom, commencing at 7.30 pm for the purpose of discussing the following business:
1. Receive Apologies;
2. Open Forum and comments from the public;
3. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: to declare any interests.
4. To approve the minutes of the previous Zoom meeting;
5. Planning:
a) Old Forge Farm Dunton Road Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0LU
Single storey side and rear extensions
21/01138/APP | Expiry -: Wed 05 May 2021
b) 28A High Street North Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0EW.
New vehicular access following part demolition of garden wall and formation of hardstanding in front garden (part retrospective)
21/01027/APP Expiry Tue 04 May 2021.
c) Lockharts Farm Recycling Facility, Wing Road, Cublington, LU6 0LB.
Planning Application made under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to vary Condition 1 (Plans), Condition 2 (Operating Hours) and Condition 3 (Lorry Movements) of planning permission 08/20007/AWD. Single storey front/side extension and alterations to roof. Comments by 6 May 21.
d) The Coal Shed 3 Old Coal Yard Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0FT
Single storey front/side extension and alterations to roof.
21/01464/APP Expiry Fri 21 May 2021
6. Finance;
a) Monthly Budget Monitoring. To note. (see Dropbox)
b) End of financial year monitoring statement. (see Dropbox).
c) To change Financial Procedures section 6.18 to read £500.
7. To ratify BACS payments and bank account and burial ground payments – to note (see Dropbox).
a) Payments to note (see Dropbox Invoice list).
b) Bank account check – update Cllr Delafield.
8. Burial ground
Tier 1 report and other communications saved on Dropbox as ‘Burial’ for future reference for Clerk. To note.
9. General Items: To report on meetings attended on behalf of the Parish Council and agree whether to add items to the next agenda.
10. Date of next meeting. To be discussed
Should residents wish to attend this meeting please apply to Clerk for Zoom details.