AGENDA Parish Council Meeting 3rd August 2020
To members of the Council,
You are hereby summoned to the Meeting of Stewkley Parish Council on Monday, 3rd August 2020
to be held on Zoom, commencing at 7.30 pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:
1. To confirm the minutes of the previous PC Zoom Session on Monday 6th July 2020.
(See Dropbox)
2. To agree for decisions to continue to be delegated to The Chair, Vice Chair and Clerk with confirmation at full council meetings.
3. Planning: To discuss planning applications and make recommendation.
a) Infill front extension, new porch canopy and new external cladding.
16A Bletchley Road Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0ER
20/02234/APP Expiry Mon 10 Aug 2020.
b) Determination as to whether prior approval is required in respect of transport & highway impact, noise, contamination risk, flooding and locational considerations for the conversion of agricultural barn into three dwelling houses (Class Q(a)) and in relation to design and external appearance of the building (Class Q(b).
Upper Dean Farm Dean Road Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0EU
20/02099/COUAR Wed 19 Aug 2020.
c) Construction of two storey side and rear extension
28A Dunton Road Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0HZ
20/02371/APP Expiry Fri 21 Aug 2020.
d) Conversion of barn to dwelling
Vicarage Farm Soulbury Road Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0DL
20/02383/APP Fri 21 A To note Aug 2020.
4. Finance
a) Budget Monitoring. Clerk. To note (see Dropbox)
b) End of Year account statement. To note (see Dropbox).
c) End of Year Variance. To note (see Dropbox).
d) Revised Asset List. To note (see Dropbox).
e) Approval of AGAR statement. To approve and arrange signing of documents by Chair. (see Dropbox).
5. To note expenditure and check accounts. (see invoice list Dropbox)
Account check update – Cllr Delafield.
6. SPC response to Corona Virus.
a) Clerk’s report.
b) Food bank during school summer holidays.
7. To discuss correspondence received since last meeting.
a) Cllr interviews and interest.
b) Communications with PCSO.
8. Neighbourhood Plan: To receive an update from the steering group and agree any actions arising;
9. Recreation Ground: To note any outstanding requirements and agree any actions;
Cash flow, VAT and payments for Playground and Toilet Projects. Clerk.
10. Highways, Footways and Footpaths Lighting: Update and agree any actions arising.
a) Mursley Road repairs. Cllr Morgan.
b) To discuss SPC response to communication re Ivy Lane re surfacing.
c) Pavements – report Cllr Bottomley.
11. Stewkley Wildlife Reserve: To discuss and authorise expenditure incurred or actions required;
12. Burial Ground: To discuss and authorise expenditure incurred or actions required.
a) Tier 1 assessment TGMS.
13. General Items: To report on meetings attended on behalf of the Parish Council and agree whether to add items to the next agenda.
a) Community board meeting by msteams. Cllr Morgan.
14. Date of next meeting. Monday, 7th September 2020