AGENDA Parish Council Meeting 2nd November 2020

To members of the Council,

You are hereby summoned to the Meeting of Stewkley Parish Council on Monday, 2nd November 2020
to be held on Zoom, commencing at 7.30 pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:


1. Receive Apologies.

2. Open Forum and comments received from the public.

3. To approve the minutes of the previous Zoom full meeting 5th October 2020

a) Approval of minutes

b) Proposal to end delegated powers

4. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda;

5. Planning: To discuss planning applications and make recommendation.

a) Determination as to whether prior approval is required in respect of transport & highway
impact, noise, contamination risk, flooding and locational considerations for the conversion of
agricultural barn into three dwellinghouse (Class Q(a)) and in relation to design and external
appearance of the building (Class Q(b).
Upper Dean Farm Dean Road Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0EU
20/03313/COUAR Expiry: 24 Nov 2020.

b) Removal of existing conservatory and replacement with single storey rear extension, garage
conversion and internal alterations.
42 High Street North Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0EW
20/03519/APP Expiry Date: 12 Nov 2020.

c) Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an existing residential dwelling
Kiln Home Farm Dunton Road Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0LU
20/03444/ACL Expiry Date: Tue 10 Nov 2020.

d) Single storey rear link extension and conversion of outbuilding.
Masons Cottage Soulbury Road Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0HW
20/03625/APP | Expiry Date: Fri 20 Nov.

e) Planning enforcement – update Cllr Higgins

f) Dunton Rd. to note Dismissal of appeal APP/J0405/W/20/32 – Land behind 28

6. Finance

a) Budget Monitoring. To note (see Dropbox).

b) Budget setting 2021-22 – approval.

7. To ratify BACS payments and accounts and burial ground check – to note (see Dropbox).
Account and burial ground accounts check – update Cllr Delafield.

8. Corona Virus Actions
a) Call for residents to register as volunteers. To note.

9. To discuss correspondence received since last meeting.

a) Remembrance Day arrangements – to note.

b) PCSO feedback on communications.

c) Sessions re Luton Airport flight path consultation: 30/10 2-3pm; 3/12 10-11am; 5/1 11-12am.

d) St Michael’s School Governors meeting: points for discussion

10. Neighbourhood Plan: To receive an update from the steering group and agree any actions arising;

11. Recreation Ground: To note any outstanding requirements and agree any actions;

a) 9 th Nov Public consultation (on line) to note

12. Highways, Footways and Footpaths Lighting: Update and agree any actions arising

a) Grass cutting wrt wildflowers – Update – Cllr Bottomley

b) Lighting Project. Progress and next steps. Financial risk assessment.

c) Cul de sac and other side road signs.

13. Stewkley Wildlife Reserve: To discuss and authorise expenditure incurred or actions required;

14. Burial Ground: To discuss and authorise expenditure incurred or actions required.

a) Tarmac and potholes

15. General Items: To report on meetings attended on behalf of the Parish Council and agree whether to add items to the next agenda.

16. To decide format of next meeting.

Date of next meeting. 7th December 2020

Should residents wish to attend this meeting please apply to the Clerk for Zoom details.