AGENDA Parish Council Meeting 1st February 2021
To members of the Council,
You are hereby invited to the Zoom Session of Stewkley Parish Council on Monday 1st February 2021 to be held on Zoom, commencing at 7.30 pm for the purpose of discussing the following business:
1. Receive Apologies;
2. Open Forum and comments from the public;
Vernon Loo to speak
3. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: to declare any interests.
4. To approve the minutes of the previous Zoom meeting;
a) Erection of rear extension with mezzanine level and new front entry porch
Oak Tree Barn Stewkley Lane Mursley MK17 0JD 20/04251/APP | Expiry Mon 01 Fe
b) Agricultural workers dwelling
Walducks Farm Soulbury Road Stewkley Buckinghamshire LU7 0HW
20/04401/APP |Expiry: Wed 03 Feb 2021
c) St Michael’s Park – discussion on revisions.
6. Finance;
Budget Monitoring. To note. (see Dropbox).
7. To ratify BACS payments and bank account and burial ground payments – to note (see Dropbox).
a) Payments to note (see Dropbox Invoice list).
b) Bank account check – update Cllr Delafield.
8. Corona Virus Actions
a) Laptop donations – actions and progress.
Financial support. To approve £1500 for purchase of recycled computers.
b)Volunteers actions – report.
9. discuss correspondence received since last meeting.
a) BKV – update Cllr Higgins.
b) Community assets – The Swan and The Carpenters Arms. Cllr Morgan.
c) Stewkley conservation area.
d) Play Around the Parish. Options and date.
10. Neighbourhood Plan: To receive an update from the steering group and agree any actions arising;
a) Prematurity weighting. To note (see Dropbox).
11. Recreation Ground: To note any outstanding requirements and agree any actions;
12. Highways, Footways and Footpaths Lighting: Update and agree any actions arising
a) Streetlights – update subcommittee. (see Dropbox).
b) Lighting plan St Michaels Park (see Dropbox).
c) EWR Works, Road and Footpath Closures schedule (see Dropbox).
d) Linksman. Update – Cllr Bottomley
e) Courtneidge Close Adoption. Update – Cllr Higgins.
13. Stewkley Wildlife Reserve: To discuss and authorise expenditure incurred or actions required;
14. Burial Ground: To discuss and authorise expenditure incurred or actions required.
a) EA report conclusion on Burial Ground tier 1 report. (See Dropbox).
b) Next steps on planning extension.
15. General Items: To report on meetings attended on behalf of the Parish Council and agree whether to add items to the next agenda.
16. Date of next meeting. Monday, 1st March 2021.
Should residents wish to attend this meeting please apply to Clerk for Zoom details.